Last year Edgeryders and the United Nations Development Program started collaborating around a new project in three countries: we called it Spot the Future. It engaged over a 130 participants in Georgia, Armenia and Egypt in a massive, peer to peer conversation online (on the Edgeryders platform) and offline (in various workshops and a final conference, Futurespotters). It succeeded in bringing together people doing groundbreaking work at the edges together in discussion, and contributed to a major strategic change happening at the United Nations.
In Future Makes our primary focus is to build concrete ways for innovators and activists to support one another’s work, peer to peer. We want to hear from you: what do you do to change your community for the better and what obstacles do you face? We want to know to figure out how communities such as Edgeryders, or larger organizations such as UNDP, could support your work in a sustainable way and how can we learn and teach each other by sharing our stories online.
Can we build a sustainable model of networked collaboration, where the coordination costs for everyone are minimized? We think so and invite you to be part of designing and using it starting with producing a campaign to crowdsource a book for and by time-hungry activists and innovators. To learn more about the initiative and see how you can be part of it, join our weekly community call, every Saturday at 10:00 CEST on skype.
Joining is easy: Just add edgeryders to your list of contacts, show up at 10:00 CEST and write a message in the chat so we know you want to join. We will add you to the call when it starts.
See you soon!
Date: 2015-06-13 08:00:00 - 2015-06-13 08:00:00, Europe/Brussels Time.