As discussed at the last Team Governance and Working Methods meeting, both the Reef’s Governance document and Working Methods document need revisions to bring them up-to-date with how the project has developed since they were first written. As we decided at the same meeting, Lie and Chris were to form a helping circle to manage the process of revising the Governance document (it was actually supposed to be about the Working Methods document, but we realised fairly quickly that it was not the right one to start with).
This post is for all suggestions, comments and so on related to eventually putting forward a proposal to replace certain sections of the document. The hope is that we can rewrite the relevant sections, get feedback from Team Governance and the rest of the community, and put together a proposal containing all the revisions that can be put forward at a plenary in January (2023).
There are 6 sections to the Governance document. Here is each of them, together with what needs to happen next:
Section 1 - Preamble
This is four fairly straightforward bullet points about overarching values. There’s nothing obvious that needs to change, but someone may see something which can be improved.
Section 2 - Membership
This has been rewritten recently and the new version has already been consented to at a plenary meeting. However, there is currently an active thread being led by Alberto regarding full membership, so it would seem logical to incorporate that into this proposal. Also, as the version consented to at the plenary meeting hasn’t yet been changed with that of the existing document, this may as well also happen all at the same time at the end of this current process.
Section 3 - Decision-making
Lie is taking responsibility for rewriting this section.
Section 4 - Teams
Chris is taking responsibility for rewriting this section. Some of it will include incorporating the document on team leaders that Sophie and Sarah have worked on recently.
Section 5 - Accountability
Lie is taking responsibility for rewriting this section, after completing a related workshop via the SociocracyforAll site.
Section 6 - Conflict resolution
Chris is taking responsibility for liaising with Team Conflict Management, who are currently in the process of clarifying everything to do with this area.
Feel free to get involved via this thread…