Guidelines for Spot The Future articles and essays

Spot The Future articles serve to spark solutions-oriented discussions that help us build deeper understanding of the issues facing our societies and our lives at more granuar levels. What we are looking for are solution-centric essays that personalise the perspective and encourage us to share and compare our own experiences.

Tell us a story about a recent or ongoing initiative happening outside the mainstream in Armenia, Egypt or Georgia. It can be about something you have done. It can be about things others have done. Help us see why it captured your attention and reflect on what others can learn from it. Tell us a bit about where it comes from, the context, the need, or events in society that may have contributed to it happening.

Help us understand beyond what immediately meets the eye. Remember, you’re the expert so you need to lead us through it.

Why did the person or group of people  behind it choose to take this approach? How did they go about realising the initiative? What did they/you learn from it? What does it tell us about how we do things in our own lives and environments?

The approach we want to take is to discover and get to know creative and inspiring initiatives and then together through discussion here on the platform figure out what they tell us about one or more of the 8 focus areas. You could event write an essay comparing different intiatives. Around 1000-2000 words would be good but we are not too picky. And we need it to be submitted in English as well as Armenian, Arabic or Georgian.

8 focus areas

This is really great, Nadia - the guidelines would really make it easy to convey what kind of input we are looking forward from the potential new partners. One question though, could we specify 8 focus areas?



Just add them in the comments :slight_smile:

This url is the one we will already being referring people to w.r.t guidelines so they will see the topics in your comments