Hack 4 Environment Cairo

Do you want to be part of developing solutions to the climate change and environment problems that we are currently facing in Egypt?

*اللغة العربية في أسفل الصفحة

Dates : 2019-11-21T22:00:00Z2019-11-23T22:00:00Z.
Place : *AlMaqarr Coworking Space, The Greek Campus, Down Town, Cairo, Egypt.
Time : Each day from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm

In Egypt and in the MENA region in general, the environmental issues are NOT yet considered as REAL problems, which could be understood when you find a huge unemployment rate, the poverty and dropping out of schools rates have also increased in the last few years because of the economic crisis. BUT, we know how we should move for the environment, and how if we think sustainability, if we think long term, then people should be aware of how serious our environmental issues are.
For that, we are going to be part of the Edgeryders Hackathon series that are going to be delivered in the MENA region, to raise awareness, to tackle our problems and solve them!

The challenge will be: How can technology help today address the urging environmental and agricultural issues? How can it help achieve the following Sustainable Development Goals?

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life Below Water
SDG 15: Life on Land

All participating teams in all Hackathons will be invited into choosing one or more of the above SDGs to work on, and come up with solutions to address it/them and achieve the goals set by the UN.

Why should you participate?

  1. It is a community based event so you will be working with extraordinary people who believe in CHANGE.

  2. There will be interesting workshops and webinars with EXPERTS from the Edgeryders community that will guide you through the way to develop your solution into a real sustainable product.

  3. There will be prizes that will help turn your prototype into reality:

    • First and Second projects selected by Edgeryders’ team: Access to OCI Lab to benefit from its online incubation program and from an access to a budget up to 15k $, which will be made available to support all selected projects from the MENA region for MVPs development purposes following the process, rules, and selection criteria of the OCI Lab.
    • Third and Fourth projects: Access to OCI Lab to benefit from their online incubation program following the process, rules, and selection criteria of the OCI Lab.

How to be part of the Hackathon?

  1. Create an Edgeryders account here: https://communities.edgeryders.eu/login

  2. Fill in this application form: Edgeryders Forms

  3. Join our Facebook event: Redirecting...

Want to contribute?

If you feel like you can be part of this hackathon, that you can help the teams protoype their ideas and help the develop them into real solutions, then please join us!

We appreciate each single contribution and look forward to meeting you

About Edgeryders

This event is organized as part of the Edgeryders festival , and it is one of the series of the hackathons that will be organized in the MENA region at the same time. It is a community based event and it was coordinated in the Edgeryders platform, like the previous events we have organized.

The MENA region Hackathon are led by @Sohayeb , and @elewa94 in Egypt so if you have any further questions you may share them with him, he wil answer with pleasure.

Looking forward to hearing from you everyone!

من المؤسف أن القضايا البيئية في منطقتنا لم تُحظي بعد بالاهتمام المطلوب، وهو ما يمكن فهمه من متابعة الزيادة المقلقة في معدل البطالة والفقر بالإضافة إلى تزايد نسبة التسرب من المدارس في السنوات القليلة الماضية بسبب الأزمة اقتصادية. ولكن ألسنا نحن أدرى بضرورة التحرك من أجل البيئة، واهمية تبني مفهوم الاستدامة والتفكير على المدى الطويل، مما يؤدي إلى إدراك الآخرين بمدي خطورة مشاكلنا البيئية.

اذا كانت لديك فكرة او حل لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة ، انت مدعو لحضور " Hack 4 Environment Egypt"

جميع الفرق المشاركة ستعمل علي اختيار واحد أو أكثر من أهداف التنمية المستدامة المذكورة للعمل عليها ، والتوصل إلى حلول لمعالجتها / تحقيقها وتحقيق الأهداف التي حددتها الأمم المتحدة:

6- المياة النظيفة والنظافة الصحية
7- طاقة نظيفة وبأسعار معقولة.
11- مدن ومجتمعان محلية مستدامة
12- الاستهلاك والانتاج المسؤولان
13- العمل المناخي
14- الحياة تحت الماء
15- الحياة في البر

##لماذا يجب أن تشارك؟
1- طبيعة الحدث المجتمعية ستمكنك من العمل مع أشخاص غير عاديين ومؤمنين بالتغيير

2- ستكون هناك ورش عمل وندوات عبر الإنترنت مثيرة للاهتمام مع خبراء من مجتمع إدجريدرز لإرشادك خلال الطريق لتطوير حلولك إلى منتج حقيقي مستدام.

ستكون هناك جوائز تساعدك لتحويل النموذج الأولي إلى حقيقة :

1-المشاريع الأولى والثانية التي تم اختيارها من قبل فريق Edgeryders: ستستفيد من برنامج حاضنة الأعمال من OCI Lab بالاضافة الي فرصة الحصول علي تمويل يصل إلي 15 ألف دولار للمشاريع المختارة من منطقة الشرق الأوسط ( 6 - 8 مشاريع) - (باتباع العملية والقواعد ومعايير الاختيار الخاصة بـ OCI Lab).

2- المشاريع الثالثة والرابعة: الوصول إلى مختبر OCI للاستفادة من برنامج الحضانة على الإنترنت. (باتباع العملية والقواعد ومعايير الاختيار الخاصة بـ OCI Lab).

كيف يتم تنظيم هذا الحدث؟
يتم تنظيم هذا الحدث كجزء من مهرجان إدجريدرز، وهو واحد من سلسلة هاكاثون التي ستقام في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا في نفس الوقت. إنه حدث مجتمعي تم تنسيقه من قبل منصة إدجريدرز ببلجيكا.

التسجيل عبر الرابط التالي: Edgeryders Forms


@nadia @Sohayeb

Egypt Post and details, only the form is remaining


@amiridina find all details here

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ok so a few reflections around how to make this a really generative experience for everyone…

The topics you have zoomed in on are interesting and of course relevant.

A reflection I had from participating in an event on Impact Technology to take on the climate crisis is that few people who don’t have PHDs on the subject actually understand what the real threats are or how different issues/problems are interconnected.

Which means that they might be likely to invest their time and effort in something which may not b considered an interesting enough solution for people to want to invest time, money or social capital into.

So perhaps it could be a good idea to do two things

  1. Look at these two reports to identify high impact areas that it makes sense to focus on, as well as find novel solutions that people are already building in other parts of the world to inspire the hackathon participants: Exponentialroadmap.org I Goodtechlab.io
  2. Make sure to invite experts/people who have local experience running businesses within the relevant sectors.

What do you think of this?

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thanks for sharing this.

Sorry for the late reply . i read it on Friday while meeting @HadeerGhareeb , we coordinated together the agenda and the needs for the Hackathon.

and we considered your points.

I’ll post the details as soon as we finalize it.

Here is another ranked list that has often helped me get inspired, esp about cross-cutting common interest solutions:

I’ll spread the word for your hackathon! Best of luck!

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This is our initial agenda .

Day 1 Agenda


Our First Speaker is : Merna Ghaly

Merna Ghaly works as an environmental researcher and has been an active advocate for environmental and climate issues in Egypt since 2012. She has performed several roles in her work on the environment including the role of an educator, policy advocate, campaign and event organizer, program coordinator, and researcher. In her capacity as an environmental researcher in a local firm, Merna has been conducting environmental and social assessments and audits of major projects in Egypt, as well as periodic monitoring of the environmental and social performance of internationally financed projects, in different sectors including energy, transport, agri-business, and coastal protection. Merna is also a licensed diver, with recent involvement in the conservation of marine life of the Red Sea.

Part of our sessions today about ##Enviromental issues in Egypt and SDG’s and the second one about ##Business Model Canvas



##Day 1 Workshops

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Was it only a one day event? What is happening now?

it was 2 days event 3 weeks ago

what was the outcome?

you can find all event summary here: Hack 4 Environment - Cairo "Post-event Summary" - #14 by nadia