Your full name is: Elghani Chaimaa
Your name on the platform is: Elghanichaimaa
About the event
“Hack 4 Environment –Morocco” (22,23 November 2019) - Go4work - Casalanca.
Event Link: Hack 4 Environment Morocco - #4 by Elghanichaimaa
Event agenda
Projects list:
a. Bio mall - Morocco
إحداث أول منصة مغربية (موقع إلكتروني وتطبيق على الهاتف) تمكن المستهلكين الذين يهتمون بالمنتجات الطبيعية (كاللحوم،الخضر،الفواهه،القطاني،زيوت…)أن يتعرفو على المواقع الجغرافية الأقرب لهم من المنتجين للأغدية الطبيعية (البيو) بما فيهم الفلاحة الصغار و التعاونيات المحلية …
b. Name of team member: @fatimamahboub
c. the major discussions were about how can she create the platform and how can she promote it and introduce this new concept to the moroccan community.
a. Diyafa, pour la promotion de l'écotourisme rural
A social project that consists in organizing trips and social events and eco-responsible (with the least negative impact on the environment) in rural areas of Morocco for the benefit of locals, to both promote rural ecotourism and Moroccan culture.
b. Names of the member: @HIBA
c. The major discussions were about how to make this platform sustainable and how can it grow more in the future, how can she reach more people and the way it should be functioning.
a. KENZIMOR/ Maroc
KENZIMOR is a Platform that can solve lots of problems like tourist scams and can improve the quality life of rurals by helping cooperatives to commercialize their product in a safe, easy and quick way.
b. Names of the team members: @jihadiss, @oubahaaya, @Labiedzayneb.
c. The major discussions were about how all about how they can promote their platform.
a. VIM\maroc
Restauration for people sensitive to gluten.
b. Names of the team members: @abdou, @ayoub2000, @khalil
c. The major discussions were about how can they find identify their population and organizing some meetings with doctors to talk more about this and to have more informations related to their project.
b. The name of the member: @Mohammed-MENGAR
c. Topics discussed: Concerns about how to develop MVP and budgeting
a. crowdfunding platform for sustainable agriculture
b. The name of the member: @Profitsinitiative
c. Topics discussed: Concerns about implementing the idea and how to convince investors about it.
General remarks
I find that they all had interesting ideas but they need too much mentoring.
The teams that I would prefer are:
a. Number of participants: 13
b. Gender balance: 7 Males / 6 Females
- The structure needs to be clear from the beginning and should not be changed after the official launch.
- The deliverable details and temples should be sent from the beginning to not perturb the participants during the Hackathon.
Photos :

THE END: Hack 4 Environment Morocco
We would like to thank all the participants for their perseverance, reactivity and presence.
You made this Hackathon work.
Good luck for TEAM MOROCCO!