Hack for Earth challenge : Dataset Request


Advancement in Machine Learning could solve major environmental concerns.
The environmental concerns are increasing globally because of global warming, animal endangerment, carbon emissions, disease containment, air, and water pollution.
We, as IEEE Sup’Com Student Branch, and engaged junior engineers we decided to take part in the global movement to use technology for good.
Last year our engineering school, Higher School of Communication of Tunis hosted the first Hack For Earth challenge, a centerpiece event that marked our community not only thanks to the high quality of the organization and the learning experience that the event offers to the participants who had the chance to learn from the ML experts but also thanks to the well-chosen topic of the challenge.

As we still looking for a dataset for our challenge, If your organization has collected data and you want to take advantage of it and you don’t have the internal skills to explore the power of using ML algorithms please reach out to us, we would be happy to assist you through the process and provide you with useful guidelines on how to collect and structure your data and test the quality of your data so your organization can benefit from our Hackathon.
PS: we limit this offer to a nonprofit organization or social enterprises providing ecological solutions

Do you want to know more about the second edition?

Event Description and target

The event is a 15 -hour event, it is articulated around tech-talks on general Artificial Intelligence topics for bigger audiences and specific workshops to help the participants approach the competition.
The event will target all engineering students in Tunisia interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence and willing to expand their knowledge or practice their skills.


For the second edition of the event, we are planning to organize an online challenge in Partnership with OciLab, Zindi and Edgeryders.


The event is planned to take part on Jan 16, 2021. and it will be organized by IEEE Sup’Com Student Branch.


We have a complete team working on the best flow of the event and each committee has a responsibility. the heads of the committees are as follow:
Media Responsible @Mohamed_Karaa
Organizing Responsible @Ghazi_Tounsi
Moderating Responsible @imenAzzouz
Zindi Ambassador in Tunisia @Meds.jedidi1


Ping @bojanbobic @nadia and the EarthOS team

ping @hugi ?

Hi Ghazi, welcome to edgryders :slight_smile:
A good place to reach the research community within edgeryders is to post your invitation in the reearch network workspace - you can just repost what you wrote above here: Research Network - Edgeryders

@Ghazi_Tounsi what kinds of data are you looking for?

We do have “data”, but they are ethnographic. Not data about the environment, but about how people go about providing and adopting solutions. We think we do have capacity to process them, but we also publish open data that you are welcome to use. They are on Zenodo:

The Zenodo files contain all the data documentation.