Hello and Greetings!

Hello EdgeRyders,

It is a pleasure to introduce myself in the community. I am Anubhuti Poudyal and I am working as Local Engagement Manager in Kathmandu, Nepal. I hope to bring forward constructive discussions on individually and locally initiated relief works currently being conducted in Nepal after the Earthquake of 25 April, 2015. Through this discussion, we encourage youth to discuss their initiation, inspiration and challenges while helping people in Nepal rebuild their lives. You will be definitely updated on the progress throughout the next few months! Meanwhile, it is a pleasure being a part of this community.



Hi Anubhuti!

Welcome to Edgeryders :slight_smile:

Perhaps if you have time this week it would be a good opportunity to meet other members of this community in different parts of the world through a skype call? What do you think, should we schedule one and invite others to join us?


Welcome on board, so happy to see Nepal team growing,

If you have questions or doubts about the platform and Matthias is not nearby, feel free to ping me. I’m Noemi, one of the community managers, based in Romania. I also have friends who flew to Nepal in the earthquake aftermath to support colleagues on the ground… and hopefully with you all there, there will be more chances for the rest of us to support relief & re-building actions. Welcome again!

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Welcome :slight_smile:

just another welcome from a third continent ( Egypt ) :slight_smile:

It is admirable what is happening in Nepal after the earthquake and I hope you find edgeryders community and platform helpful.