Hello everyone

I am Seg from Armenia. I am a documentary filmmaker and I like to make films about different issues which are disturbing for me. I can share my experience how to use visual arts for solving or speaking about differen issues. Also I am interested in coproduction with other coubtries filmmakers, who are interested in social issues.

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Hello, @Seg from Armenia, welcome here. I am Alberto, Italian, now in Brussels. There are a few people kind of like you in Edgeryders, in the sense that they use filmmaking to explore the world around them. Off the top of my head I could name @Sam Muirhead (New Zealander, lives in Berlin) and my countryman @NicoBis. Sam has made this beautiful short video about Edgeryders, that you might enjoy. 

Edgeryders: Living on the Edge 3 from Sam Muirhead on Vimeo.

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and Sam is going to be here at our workshop soon

Seg, Sam is coming to Armenia on 16th of April, to also film our activities and the workshop, as far as I know. So if you are interested maybe you could catch up with him and brainstorm about possible collaboration already during those days? maybe he will need some help and you may be interested in giving a hand? Or whatever, up to you guys, just letting know he is coming:)

Hi Seg!

sorry, I only just saw this now (are @ mentions working properly? I’ve been having strange issues with notifications recently)

It would be great to meet you in Yerevan and talk about the work that you do and your experiences working with film and video in Armenia! do you have any films online anywhere? I’m looking forward to the workshop, hopefully see you there!

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