This is a question for @Owen . I put it here so it stays documented.
I have a piece of content on Edgeryders that I would like to push out (in this case, this). I can and will use my own social media accounts, but I might as well do it in a coordinated fashion with ER. Also, I do not want to mess up with your analytics. Maybe you want me to use, or, or whatever.
What’s the policy? Is there a queue of tweets/status updates, where we can frontload the content that we want to push out?
@Allberto - I must have missed your message, sorry. I would suggest using our Buffer account as this keeps all the updates in one place - they can easily be re-sent and will be taken into account by their analytics tools which is useful for us. If @Nadia can set you up as a team member on the account (I can’t add members myself as I am not the account owner) you will then be able to post to all our social media accounts from there. @Nadia It might be a good idea to set up a guest account which anyone with our permission can log in to, if there are more people down the line interested in posting using the account.