How to build a world: a webinar with the Worldbuilding Academy's core team

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My idea/suggestion for building the world:
More that the present, I have thought a lot more about the history of a potential future-world I’ve been personally working on. That aspect is very important to me to build a credible setting.


I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:


I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
Saw this 1min ago so i have none yet but i feel it coming.


I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
Transform government by creating an authentic relationship with citizens


I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
Embracing a Solarpunk mindset in every aspect of our lives, changing the world step by step, from the bottom up.


I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:


I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:


I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
There are a number of options. There is no “best”; there may be “best adapted to this society”… or there may still be several choices, depending on the variations among the population.
For current USA, I have hope for a couple of ideas: one is associated with Social Credit Theory, intitially developed by C.H.Douglas in the 1920s, and used by Robert Heinlein in his first, never published until 2003, 1939 novel “For Us, The Living”. The idea is that much of physical capital is built from previously patented ideas for which the patent has expired. The income from this intellectual property is properly owned by the nation as a whole. It should form the basis of a tax called “Social Credit”, which can be distributed to every citizen as income by virtue of belonging to that society.
A second idea is that promulgated by Henry George in his 1879 work “Progress and Poverty”, and worked into a science fiction work in 1895 by S. Byron Welcome: “From Earth’s Center: A Polar Gateway Message.” This is that land is, again, the patrimony of the nation, not of individuals, who did not and cannot own it permanently – they can only extract value from it by virtue of their labor – therefore the portion of the value of their production which appertains to the productivity of the land itself should be taxed and distributed to the general population.
Third is from Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s 1840 book “What is Property?” Proudhon argued for a labor-based theory of value – it meant that Locke’s idea that property can be “owned” permanently because one person at one point used it to add value to their labor makes no sense – sure, that person has a right to the value of the products made using their labor, but the underlying value added by non-human (out of patent) resources should accrue to the society as a whole, and there can be no nonsensical permanent and total ownership of land or capital.
These ideas provide a strong philosophically justifiable foundation for an economy in which everyone partakes of the value of their labor, and so has incentive to produce, but in which everyone has an income simply because they are members of that society. This ends poverty, but incentivizes work and creativity.


I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
Cornelius Castoriadis once said imagination creates reality.

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
I already registered, I think and added in my take. Here is another sparkling project as mind-opener:

Excited to meet all worlders soon:)

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
I’d like to see a cultural timeline from near our world to the possible world we’ll be creating.

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
Thanks a lot for this initiative ! My suggestion would be to enhance some of the trends that we witness today, but without putting the stress on only negative ones. For example, the vaccine for Covid-19 (if it really works), is a great illustration of what humanity can don to tackle some of the challenges ahead of us.

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
Look for ways to engage in structured ways along the lines of e.g. WoW (quests, guilds) but with quests as issue maps (tree-structured conversations); Consider AI/NLP augmentation at the backside level.

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:
I’m a writer who would like to be involved early in the hopes of contributing meaningfully after the world has been established.

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I want to take part in the webinar.

My idea/suggestion for building the world:

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