IARC 2023 Transcripts - 02 AND & AGN

No, because, of course, we. It’s something funny because we. We claim for everything about privacy. And the same time we post photos on Instagram where we are what we are doing. So it’s quite stupid for me.

And yourself?

I think in this world in year 2023, everybody is naked if you use internet, phone or what else or other applications. So it doesn’t matter.

Uh, does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Uh, could be reused. You can use twice the same object or recycle the. You create a new life for an old object. You change the nature of the of the object.

(You,) in my opinion, reuse. You can reuse clothes. But. But metals and materials. You can only recycle.

On a scale of 1 to 5. One means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Um. Five. (Why?) Yeah, we have to. We have to put. Because we have. We. It’s a difficult answer. Of course we have to take care more about our planet. We have to put attention on everything. We cannot consider that, you know, in in the physical you cannot consider like a tank is not a stable you. We cannot move ahead with this kind of votes. We have to change our mind.

What do you say?

Also the same because we have to pay also attention and not, let’s say, only the the the industrial nations have to recycle, but also the other nations. If we look in Africa, recycling is there. They put in the electronic scrap, they burn it. And so there remains the clean metals. So for the environment disaster, so even if we have the best technology here in Europe, we have to look global. Yeah.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Oh, that’s for my private life. Okay, we can just recycle more, but, um, maybe use less cars. But it. It’s quite difficult if you have to travel and especially traveling a lot on plane, on aircraft. So it’s not so easy for me. But for sure, we have to do something. Everyone has to do something.

in my personal life, I try to to avoid buying plastic bottles. So this is my my contribution for for for the for the planet to to rescue the planet. And also in general, I try. Two to avoid using plastics because plastic is the main pollution in the world. And if you look at the seas, many plastics.

How much responsibility does each individual, every person have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment? In your opinion.

Everyone has to do it. Everyone can do it. All the possible things. Of course, responsibility. Every individual has a full responsibility for our planet.

Your opinion?

I think also because we don’t have to look only at our life that maybe is 80 years. We have to also look at the generates after us. And it’s not the planet of one person or several persons. It’s of of of the planet of the world. So we have to save it and do the best in order to to remain alive.

Last question. Do you see the circular economy as a local or national or international issue?

The international issue, of course, especially for. Okay. For example, if you compare Finland with India, of course you have its international. Also in Finland. In Finland, they are less less people. They can easily do it. India, they are more they are 1.,1.7 billion or something like that People so or like China. So it’s completely international. Everyone has to focus on especially the high density countries. They have to focus on it.

Yes, I think the same is an international issue. We have to look, as I said previously, especially in Africa and also the India and China, they are the main pollution distributor.