IARC 2023 Transcripts - 05 CED

Do you think that cars that include much electronics, like GPS navigation, radio and so on, are they easier or harder to adapt to circular economy than old cars?

I think it’s easier for me. Yeah, we have to, to adapt yourself, uh, adapt ourselves, um, with the new technologies. New technologies help us, I think, to, to do the, the good transition. And uh, there is, there is a tool, there is a tool, there is the, there is a help. Technology can help us, I think.

Okay. What can the automotive industry do to promote circular economy to make it more successful? What do you think?

Um. What? What I think. Sorry. About what?

What could automotive industry do to make it better in circular economy.

Oh, um. I think maybe the recycling of the of the trash of automobile industries. I think it’s very important because, uh, with the transition, with the, the change of, uh, the way to consumption, uh, we will have lots of trash, lots of metal trash. And uh, I think it’s very important to, too. To choose the way, the way we consume.

Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored in car electronics, for example, In a GPS?



Um. I don’t think I understand. You asked me if I.

If If you have concerns. If you are not, you find it not good privacy and and personal data because they are stored in a car in a GPS, for example.

Okay. Uh, yes, I think it’s it’s a it’s a no problem for me. Yes, I it’s, uh, it’s make parts of the new technologies and maybe we, we have to, to have control by privacy data. Maybe we can make rules to to, to control that. But I think it’s not a good. It’s not a problem.

Okay. Uh, does recycling and reusing means different things to you?

Um, no, I think it’s, uh, it’s. It’s. It’s the same. Quite the same thing. It’s, uh. It’s, uh. How can we say we say that, and it’s complementary, you know? And, uh. And when you reuse you, you make, uh, you make, uh, a part to to recycle energy. And.

Uh, on a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Oh five.

Why ?

Because I think we don’t have choice. I have a a little children. And I think about I think about her for our future. And we cannot stay and just look, you know, the the world. The world changes and nothing, nothing doing nothing, you know? And, uh, we have, we have to make efforts. We have to change our consummation and to to accelerate the world’s transition.

Okay. Uh, what do you in your life to promote sustainability?

I I’m selling energy. I’m selling electric cars. I think it’s a good point. To the world transition. And, uh, I try to don’t, uh, don’t buy new things when I don’t need to, you know, and I prefer use maybe, maybe buy used things. Maybe, you know, my, my phone is seven years. I think it’s a good point. And yes, I try to to recycle my trash. I try to to have a i, I, I’m very interested about, uh, respect the, the nature, the nature. And when I’m outside and I think it’s it’s a it’s a beginning.