IARC 2023 Transcripts - 05 CED

Okay. Uh, what do you think? How much responsibility should everybody, every person, have to make lifestyle and consuming choices that help protect the environment?

Um, can you repeat your question?

How much responsibility should have Everybody. Every person. What do you think? To solve or to. To protect the environment?

I think it’s it’s a global question and everybody have to be concerned about that. There is, in my opinion, there is no choice, uh, to to be concerned about that. And maybe we can rethink about, about the, the, the, the way to, to consume the, the, the, the overconsumption, you know, and, uh, maybe doing little things that I say before, uh, maybe it’s a it’s a beginning and day after day. Maybe we will have some, some new stuff, some new skills, uh, to, to, to, to, to. To do that way, you know?

Okay, last question. Uh, do you see the circular economy as a local or national or international issue?

Oh, it’s an international issue. Yes, yes, yes, definitely. Because all around the world we have we have problems with that. We can see mountains of trash at the at the at the end of the world, you know, and and, uh, and I think, uh, in, in Geneva or wherever we are, um, it’s, uh, we can, we can, we can play our role in international issues. Yes.

Okay. Thank you very much.
