IARC 2023 Transcripts - 09 ESRA

So I’m Jos and I’m working on research in circular economy and automotive sector. And I would like to know your point of view. If you accept, I’m going to record our conversation, transcribe it and put the transcription with a pseudonym, not your real name, in a repository of text documents that will be used for the research. If you do this and you change your mind and no longer want to participate, get in touch with us and we will immediately remove your interview from the repository. I’m leaving you an information sheet with contact information. So if you agree, please tell me your first name and that you agree.

It’s Esra. I’m coming from Turkey. Our company is in Germany, mainly in Hanover, and we are doing the V recycling and battery recycling. And I came here because of this is the first Congress of us that we attend the automobile recycling Congress. We after we have started the battery recycling, you know, the electric vehicle. They have the batteries and lithium ion which is coming from electric vehicle cars and which is coming from telecommunication sectors. And that’s why it’s combined with the automobile sector. That’s why we get license as our company to recycle the automobiles too today I’m looking if there is some good opportunities to have some projects. The automobile industry is including the car recycling and also even the battery recycling. That’s that’s why I’m here.

For the question. Please tell me if you agree for the record of this interview.

Okay. Why not? Okay.

So the first question, can you define a circular economy in your own words?

Um, circular economy is really, really, really so important in any industries, not only the recycling industries, because due to the Green Deal issues, it’s really becoming very important to, to, to protect the planet. Partnership programs of the producers in any sector, in any industries is really important, you know, and circular economy is the main part of many industries to make the sustainability of the raw materials, sustainability of the materials which can be combined in any industry. So it’s really important circular economy of producing part of a life cycle of the settlements, part of many things.

Do you participate in a circular economy yourself in any aspect of your life?

Yes, of course, because I’m also I have, um, my doctor degree was about the renewable energy. Now I’m working on the circular economy programs of the battery recycling batteries and also the Wii. So that’s why I’m really focusing on and I’m really supporting all over the world the industries whom can have some programs about the circular economy, um, from producing to recycling, you know, and the European regulations has many configurations, many legislations about, uh, to follow and also to have a look, uh, to, to, to follow, to catch the raw materials, uh, from any industries and to be used the raw materials again and again in any sectors, in any producing systems of the manufacturing items, you know. So that’s why there are many digital, um, product passports. There are many, um, digital, uh, battery passports. That means that they are following the raw materials, they are following the sustainability. They’re looking for the circular economy programs of the producers. It’s really becoming very, very important. It’s a big ecosystem that is published all over the world and must be supported by any partners of the industries.

How did you become interested in circular economy ideas and practice?

Uh, for example, in our company we are every time focusing on the systems of sustainability. So it means that the circular economy is really important for any products that we produce as an output of the materials which is coming from recycling industry. This is the program. Of us, our industry, the circular economy program. But due to the configuration and due to the agreements of our site that we had done with the manufacturers and that we are done with the municipalities and the sector partners, it’s really important for us too.

In your opinion, can a circular economy be implemented in individual sectors or individual industries?

It is a must. It must be done because of the European Union regulation. New regulations under the Green Deal, under the sustainability programmes, under the partnership programmes and you know, the eco not only the material materials life cycle system for the economical side, it is also important to protect the green ideas, industrial sites, economical sites, physical site producing site, processing site, technological site. You have to do it so it is a must.

Do you think the circular economy already exists in the car industry?

Yes. And the car industry. It isn’t a new industry, but electric vehicle, car industry, It’s a new industry. So there will be a big ecosystem, as I mentioned before you. So yes, it will be again, a big must for the car industry to to recycle, to get the sustainability and to get the circular economy program and the environmental systems, the green system, sustainability systems of the car industry. They will have to focus on the circular economy program and systems of their own individual systems and producing systems.

Do you currently own a car?

Yeah, I have.

Which kind?

It isn’t an electric car because I’m living in Turkey, so we are adapting. Currently we are adopting the new systems. So it may maybe in a short time I will have. But right now, currently I don’t have.


I’m protecting. I’m protecting it.