IARC 2023 Transcripts - 30 YUL

What is the one adjective that comes to mind when you think about electronics in a car? What is the first thought?

Electronic car?

Electronic, like GPS, like radio, like assistant systems and so on.

I don’t…

What do you think when you hear that about electronics in a car?

Yes, I like it. Yeah, it’s easy, you know, then of the energy issue, we don’t use it. Don’t need a lot of petrol. Yeah. Um,

In your opinion, are cars that include electronic components easier or harder to adapt to a circular economy Practices.

It’s easy.


Yeah, because you just use battery and the battery is now the technology inside use a lot of precious metal but this you can 98% recycling and use again and which is easy you make it simple not like you know petrol car you need so much parts to make it during the produce procedure is already more circular.

And what is with electronics like GPS or radio and things? What is with that? Are they easy to adapt to the circular economy?

Yes. is it today Technology. Yeah. So the innovation and with new technology is easy, but soon we’ll be automatically driving self driver. So yeah.

What can the automotive industry do to promote circular economy.

Around in the car industry? Yeah, they need to follow and now there are several technologies but still I think electronic car in this moment will be still popular and especially the leading company Tesla is there so all the factory should be follow.

Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by car electronics? Uh, when thinking about reuse of this car electronics like GPS

I think when the battery is gone or you need the changes in the car, you need the change. But that car is only battery and with one flame. So it’s easy.

And what is with the GPS and with the data stored in the GPS.

Today? I think because with the electronics, everything is connected in one big flat panel. So GPS with Google or Map and there will be easy. Don’t need a GPS, I think. Yeah. Uh,

Does recycling and reusing mean different things to, you?

Know, if the electronic is more plastic inside so is I need more recycling. Yeah.