Inventory & Requests

ping @noemi
set this up as an inventory and to bundel requests for new forms, can you add yours as well?

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Ping @alberto, @IvanC see first post (wiki) here for inventory of existing forms, their source codes and their outputs + partners

If you want a form generated i would like to ask you to post a reply here in future to try to bundel everything and keep track.

ping @LauraRoddy you can find the form links connected to posts in the first post in this thread.

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ping @nadia, i am going throuhght e forms making sure the rigght logos and partnership notes are added. Can you clarify if the messina event should always also have the NGI logo and partnership?

ping @LauraRoddy and Ping @bojanbobic the top thread here is a form inventory and requests for forms should go through here.

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Request for form for this post: What we can learn from Messina’s economic model?

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@MariaEuler some of the forms have broken images, can we just remove them? Edgeryders Forms

I fyou are ok with them beeing removed from the text that is the source of the text sure. If not I would need to set up new posts as text sources. which should it be?

Note: For the Messina event multiple similar posts in different categories where requested for forms. therefore there is a doubling of forms happening there but you can follow which is connected to what via the inventory.

Hopefully we can avoid this in future by using this inventory.

here the requested form @nadia:

  1. Edgeryders Forms
  2. What we can learn from Messina’s economic model? - Comment Invitation
    3.What we can learn from Messina’s economic model?

I figured it out :slight_smile: - if you upload an image into the post directly it will break - if you just add the url for an image then it will work. Look here Edgeryders Forms with source being Co-working spaces: can they help employees and freelancers in the covid19 world? - Comment Invitation

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can you link the sourcec for the text? This is the sourc for the form. I would like to see how you did it in the text post

or show me in this one how to add the picture:

I really tried.

I would like to note that many of the texts in these forms a quite long and maybe not perfect for the format. @alberto said as much. Pinged you together in another thread to clear this up.

Good night for today.

ping @owen just today this issue of pictures in forms came up again and nadia seems to have found a fix. can you have a look here?

@MariaEuler it looks like they display - but the sizing is not great, as there is no particular formatting of the images. I’ll include an improvement in the next update.

I still do not get it to work. Would like to see the text source nadia formated but can not find it. but let’s figure this out tomorrow.

this is the text source: Co-working spaces: can they help employees and freelancers in the covid19 world?

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Come meet everyone on October 16: Info session about our new Worldbuilding academy! to Edgeryders Forms …ok figured it out as well. the display sizing issue fixed would be nice, but yes, we can do it if necessary. :slight_smile:

the difference is here:

(1) from Nadia’s post:


(2) when I upload an image:


Notice in the second one the url is not a hosted image url (or at least the server it is hosted on is not shown in the string).

Now if I right click that image in the post and copy the image url, then include that in the post it will work.

This is an issue with uploading images in posts on Discourse. @matthias maybe you have an idea of why this happens & if it can be fixed.

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