Join our Community Call - 7th June 2017

Our theme this week at Edgeryders will be ‘Caring Communities’. 

We want to move beyond the abstract and look at what is going on in the world to shape a functioning Open Care environment. What skills do you need to bring community practices into reality? The posts highlighted below embody a hands on approach to community building both online and in the real world.

More than just a program, Open Village is about understanding and embodying the practices going on in communities around the world and how these translate into effective solutions for caring into the 21st century.

Join Our Community Call

We invite you to our community call on Wednesday at 18:00 CET to discuss this and current topics in the Edgeryders community. Joining couldn’t be easier:

  1. Leave a comment below or email so we know you want to participate
  2. Join the Google Hangout on June 7th (Wednesday) at 18:00 CET

Have a great week!

Date: 2017-06-07 19:00:00 - 2017-06-07 19:00:00, Europe/Brussels Time.


Thanks all for coming…

It’s been a lovely 90 mins call gone overtime… that’s generally a good sign!

@Gehan thanks for leading with note taking, feel free to upload the notes - Create a wiki in the coordination group?

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Hey @Gehan - Ok if I use your notes for our recap blog post? Best

Of course

…and well summarised!

I’ll know next time!

Sorry @Noemi, glad Owen has done this. I’m still finding it challenging to free up the time from GalGael tasks! I will have a stricter plan for next week!!

Thanks for the link to harvesting thread. I’ll dig into that. I’m all for not recording info for the sake of recording… it kind of connects to what do people need to move on, for thinking and ideas to evolve and what format is most useful/accessible?

I’m sufficiently curious that I think I’ll keep that line of inquiry open… I love Margaret Wheatley’s work. She talks about there being three characteristics of self organising systems; relationships, information and identity. These are sufficiently strong that termites build structures impressively larger than they are without leaders or architects. I’m curious how working more on each of these characterstics can change and strengthen how humanity works together.


Hi @Gehan , as a fellow Fellow, I also testify that it can be a challenge to combine with ongoing projects. More so, as in my case, when unexpected troubles hit and when the project goes through a transition phase: “your baby” requires both immediate and medium-term attention. Working on the Fellowship has been very educational so far though, and I already see clear long term advantages for the project because of this.

I’ve managed to free up the time by letting go of certain responsibilities, delegating, etc. as I’m sure you’re trying to do as well. I think it also builds resilience in the project if done right, as it creates conditions for other people to rise up to the occasion. You seem anyway more than capable to handle this :-)

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Re: harvesting

@WinniePoncelet I think Gehan is refering to something I linked to in the google doc where she took notes.

I follow up on that discussion here.

Different point

I was referring to the remark of freeing up time. Will pitch in on harvesting in the other thread.

gathering time

Thanks @WinniePoncelet - I will need more discipline this week! And that means not thinking I can work around one or two meetings!

On the issue of harvesting - I was enjoying reading the write up of the last Dark Mountain gathering - Base Camp. These I thought may be of use to the topics discussed in our community call:

rich mix of talks, workshops and performance, and to the kind of alchemy that can happen when you honour the spaces that open in-between

There were also two sessions at the beginning and end of the weekend which involved everyone. Sunday afternoon’s was a vast mapping of all the strands in the gathering and the encounters that had taken place. Hosted by Base Camp’s session holders they were: Myths and Storytelling; Arts and Community; Seeds for the Future; Walking and Singing the Territory; Rewilding the Body, Rewilding the World; and Rethinking Society

This seems like a fruitful exercise. How do we synthesise the collective insights in a way that is useful? Beyond recording the detail - it feels like there might be something helpful there. I’ve written to one of the organisers to ask if they can desribe this.