Kon nbat hydroponics commercial farm arb and en

مشروع كن نبات التجارى للزراعة بدون تربة
لقد حققنا نجاحا كبيرا فى على 2014 فى تحقيق اول مزرعة تجارية على مساحة كبيرة تبلغ مساحتها 1.5 فدان بتقنية الهيدروبونيكس و قد لاقت الكثير من النجاح و االعجاب لدى مستهلكين منتجاتنا و قمنا بعمل نموزج داخل منافز بيع الخضروات بعمل انظمة للزراعة بدون تربه لتحقيق مفهوم المنتجات الحية الطاظجة حتى يمكن للمستهلج ان يحصد الخضروات بنفسة من المتجر و كان قوة انتاج المزرعة 43200 نبات كل دورة له اي كل 55 يوم … شكرا كريم القزاز

  • Be a commercial plant for agriculture without soil


  • We have achieved great success in 2014 in achieving the first commercial farm on a large area of 1.5 acres with Hydroponics and has received a lot of success and admiration of the consumers of our products and we have made a model within the competitors selling vegetables by working systems of farming without soil to achieve the concept of live products So that the producer can harvest the vegetables from the store and the production force of the farm was 43200 plants each session for him every 55 days …



Hi Konnabat and welcome :slight_smile:

When I was last in Egypt people were telling me about some of the issues with food and agriculture. In the community there are several people who also are interested in new approaches to ensuring food security- either for themselves or for others.

It is definitely interesting for the work of building the OpenVillage if we can get set up some kind of viable food production to minimise dependency on centralised infrastructures.

I’m curious - how did you come to do this work?

Also, it would be good to get an idea of what is needed to keep such a farm running after it has been set up. For example how many people are working on your farm, and what kind of tasks do they do?

@eimhin as been doing a lot of work on building community food gardens in Ireland. @bridget_mckenzie I think has been looking at social ecological sustainability if I am not mistaken. Also I have a feeling that there is a connection between food and healthy communities so it may interest @woodbinehealth @winnieponcelet and @gehan for the OpenVillage festival conversation - especially about the economics. @unknown_author and @matthias , maybe also @bachar_khattar (I’m thinking especially about Ziad here because of the topic and scale involved)

@bachar_khattar you remember what we heard about foreign aid agencies trying to get Lebanese farmers to produce avocado in one of the villages next to yours? I have a vague memory but cannot remember exactly what they said…

@nadia [text-direction=rtl]
اهلا و مرحبا بكى يا ناديا
نعم يمكننا التقليل من استخدامنا للمجتمع الخارجى فى احتياجتنا الغذائية و لكن على النحو التالى ان اكنا ان نبنى مزرعة لا تقل مساحتها عن 360 متر مربع فا هذا اول الطريق للاكتفاء الزاتى من الغذاء
و للحفاظ على استمرارية هذا الحجم من المزارع فردان على الاقل موجدون باستمرار للاعمل المزرعية مثل الزراعة و الحصاد بعد ان اقوم بتدريبهم جيدا
و هذا النوع من المزراع مختلف تماما عن الحدائق الغذائية لان المزارع بدون تربة تقوم على مواصفات خاصة جدا مثل ان لابد من وجود صوبة زراعية محكمة الغلق و التبريد للاناج طوال العام و لحماية النبات من الامراض الخارجية …
و شكرا لكي ناديا
Yes, we can reduce our use of the outside community in our food needs, but as follows we can build a farm of not less than 360 square meters. This is the first way to be satisfied with food.
In order to maintain the continuity of this size of the farms, at least two individuals are constantly present for agricultural work such as agriculture and harvesting after I train them well
This type of farm is completely different from the food gardens because the farms without soil are based on very special specifications such as that there must be a closed agricultural greenhouse and cooling of the production throughout the year and to protect the plant from external diseases.
