Lote #unFail: Starting from desired outcomes in event design

Hi Guys, super happy this is moving a long. As a small contribution I would like to offer some thoughts on programming/content

In pervious years we started with a theme, and made the objective of the event to get as interesting a program as possible without looking too much towards any particular outcome/deliverable. Last year we made a slight departure from this in producing an Ethnographic report/synthesis of the various conversations before and during and after the event.

I think we need to move beyond the usual emergent chaotic lote format if it is to generate outcomes that justify the investment of effort and money. Based on reactions to the Politics For Tomorrow event organised by @Caroline_Paulick-Thiel (lots of expressions of interest for collaboration on future editions from different organisations) as well as a self-critical reflection on my own presentation what follows is 3 suggestions.

1. Stick to session formats useful for people who want to upgrade their skills & make sure this is clear on event-related communication

Fails Keynotes: 15 Minute talks from relevant organisations about their work in relevant fields/projects (fails- learning what mistakes to avoid/ how not to do it).

#unFails Practical workshops: 2.5 Hour how-to sessions on the relevant methodologies/processes/tools  held by keynote presenters (wins- learning new tools/skills/knowledge for how to do it right)

2. Ensure problem definitions and deliverables reflect immediate priorities of would be supporters.

“To succeed is to succeed in spite of a system, not because of it”

I think we need to start by finding out what the most pressing problem is for the people/orgs that we wish to engage in either supporting LOTE as a whole, or the flagship projects (what is their worry/concern about investing in events/projects). And in which format they would need answers and insights presented in order to be able to use it directly in their work. Here we could learn from Forum Alpbach’s work in creating a meeting for Austrian Mayors (the outcome was a 70 page handbook on refugee integration for Mayors).

3. Make a visualisation of the Edgeryders approach towards building collective intelligence... and implementation.

Here we need a simple visualisation describing the Ederyders methodology step-by-step in very few, everyday words (not jargon) that give the intended audience a sense of how we work. I think @Alberto can help produce this?

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