Merging Multilingual Codes


And one more thing…it seems that when I try to assign codes in Polish for Polish posts the default language is English (which is understandable), but when I go and edit the code to add the English translation it shows me this.
So I have to edit the Polish name, put the English translation there and add the Polish code again.
I’m not expecting the system to detect the language, but is changing languages not allowed/not functioning or am I doing something wrong?

@matthias just tagging to see if you are able to answer @Wojt’s questions above. Thank you :slight_smile:

I came up with a simple workaround, namely I just start with coding in English and only later do I add Polish translation.
EDIT: Now changing the language in code editing is not an issue at all.

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Hi, everybody!
I just came up with something. Pray tell me what you think!
Since I’m a lazybum, while cleaning some codes from a post I decided to copy-paste the codes from the platform into my Google spreadsheet and, lo and behold, they came with hyperlinks!


I’m pretty excited since now my environment is even more interconnected. It might prove messy after some time, will need constant editing and supervision (will need to change the entry here if/when I change the entry on the platform) but it will come in handy at times (e.g. when creating categories or refining the codes themselves) since it lowers the number of clicks necessary to get to the source.