Minutes LOTE5 Community call vol.III - this week tasks

Following the agenda:

  • TICKET POLICY: tickets should be rather very expensive or for free but relatively hard to get. We also should keep in mind that since the event will be hold in Brussels there will be people chiping in last minute. We should reserve some tasks/tickets available for those.

By now we still don’t have a final formula to weight tickets. Some say tasks can also count only for 1/2 or 1/3 of the ticket, other preferred to set as a general “3 tasks to accomplish” rule in order to get the ticket, excluding hosting a workshop/talk, leading a campaign, and participating in the documentation. We can launch a poll in order to decide this and define the policy by this Wednesday Nov 11th.

  • DEVELOPMENT CAMPAIGN LAUNCH: @Natalia_Skoczylas and @KiraVde should manage to launch it this week, Nadia suggests to look into existing posts in the Nepal group, there should be some content we could leverage on and track followers. @Nadia also has two blog posts she prepared to create momentum and drive attention to LOTE. @KiraVde and I will give her feedback on those asap.

  • @Matteo_Uguzzoni is into LOTE :slight_smile: and considering whether to launch a track on creative industries. Feedback on this was pretty enthusiastic, @Nadia has a related blog post she could share. Also, Matteo was a speaker in the first edition of FuckUp Nights Milan, he shared an interesting insight: what matters in FUN is how you match the FuckUp story with a specific audience. He’s considering leading this task for LOTE.

  • SUPPORTING PARTNERS PLAN FOR ACTION: We need to go from lists to action. @Nadia shared some precious material on how to pitch LOTE, which written and oral formats and she suggests we start to systemically send out icebreakers and proposals. We should also integrate the one pager with names of frontline participants for the different tracks together with past participants that might bail the hook for LOTE5.

Care track: Ezio Manzini, Marco Manca

Development track: Giulio Quaggiotto

Finance track: Vinay Gupta

  • FINANCIAL TARGETS: During LOTE4 ER managed to pay 40 travel grants and offer hotels to the main speakers. Nadia roughly budgeted 81k for LOTE5 (staff costs, speakers, travel grants, venue, catering, equipment) in order to cover 9 fail talks + 9 unfail workshops. “The Failure Survival Handbook: the indispensable guide for surviving your career’s sudden turns for the worse” sound like one of the most promising products that can get us there, together with targeted talks and workshops.

This week (9-15 Nov) tasks:

  • Create an icebreaker and one pager (informative) for LOTE5. Antiheroes duties.

  • Launch opening post development track.

  • Get in contact with 15 potential partners (supporting and all the rest - venue, communities, media)

  • Set up the weekly community call.

  • Logo decision ?

My notes

Thanks Irene, that sounds about right.

3 step procedure to register for LOTE: signal you want to come in the event’s page; take on a task or more; complete it and wait for confirmation; NB: ticket means entrance, there will be some travel grants available and offered by prioritizing content creators (those participants who propose a talk, workshop, or lead documentation; or a case study). To keep track of participants status we’ll update a spreadsheet of usernames and ER profiles and embed it online.

On budget and costs

-ticket cost - benchmark could be 31c3 which costs 100eur - some people simply pay and don’t contribute before, not everyone has time or will to do work for an event (Alberto)

-have a transparent budget to not underestimate people’s work

-we don’t know what the demand for participation is from BXL, so we reserve the right to change the ticket policy. It depends also on the capacity of the venue which we don’t have yet.

-specify what is the max no of tickets given away safely

-we don’t know what we can cover - probably venue and some food: if there’s a kitchen, even more so because it’s cheaper.

-task: reach out to BXL hosts to help find free accommodation

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My tasks - I’m a newbie help me!

So, first task to accomplish:

Design a strategy that helps Speakers to reach an audience that can bring back some value to them, in the networking session.

On this i imagine a 4 step process that i can manage (when we define the speaker’s list):

  • mail 1 > to Speakers > in your professional dreams what had to happen after your LOTE speech?

  • mail 2 > to Speakers > send me a map of people that are key for you in this moment (from a life or business point of view)

  • After this we can track and find this people and invite them directly (mail3)

(problem > we have to save some tickets -3 x speaker- and we will have people that are in without doing nothing…what do you think?)

  • We will be in charge then to introduce the invited one to the speakers.

Launch a track (Sorry i’m a newbie, what is a track, this one is a track?) on Edgeryders about the topic of failed or successful models in Cultural/Entertainment Business.

@nadia let me know if you can help on imagine this track thing, maybe i can try to write down a blog-like post about my (little) experience in this field and finally ask for people to help me mapping some interesting experience?


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Tasks guide

From the very informative ticket policy draft here is some info that might be interesting for your engagement:

Tickets are earned, not bought

In Edgeryders tradition, anyone should have access to knowledge and meaningful experiences whether or not they have the financial means for that. However, we don’t have the resources to grant free-as-in-beer access, so we are asking people who come to contribute their skills in exchange for the tickets.

In order to come, you have to complete up to 3 tasks, as per the instructions in each. We will be adding new tasks every week, so there is always something to choose from. There are two types of tasks:

  1. Worth a whole ticket: Tasks to contribute content, such as proposing a session, a workshop, a talk; contribute a case study on failure in one of the key conference tracks (open care track, development track, tba); lead documentation of the event; or anything that you want to propose and is OKed by organisers
  2. Worth 1/3 of a ticket: Organisational tasks such as leading community calls in the runup of Lote, cooking on site, compiling newsletters, social media sharing etc.

We are keeping track of all contributions in this spreadsheet. If you end up contributing more than one ticket, you can safely transfer your “completed tasks” to another participant.

This brings you to “where shall I start to work on my task”? I’ve created for you a task “Find a solution to match LOTE5 #fail stories with a specific target audience” for your first idea and you should follow these guidelines “Contribute a personal story or case study on failure” for the culture/entertainment biz track. 

Hope it helps