MIR application - Voice Instruments

  • Tweet-like description of the project:
    Modules for voice display

  • Need or problem you are attempting to solve:
    Read numerical display with a voice, without having to use the sight.

  • Beneficiary, single person and/or community:
    People with disabilities, like blind or people unable to read.
    People with difficulties or impediment in reading a value on a display.

  • Solution, brief description of the project
    Voice module for electronic instruments and sensors, able to say numbers and short sentences. Specifically designed for small devices like multimeters or domotics.
    This module was born to read, through a loudspeaker, values that are normally shown on the instrument display.
    It is composed by an hardware (that reads data), a software library (that can compose pronunciation according to the data) and some guidelines to make the project a speaking one.

  • Technologies already adopted or that you are planning to adopt
    Small MicroController like Atmel or PIC;
    Audio Player Module like WTV020 or Mini DF Player;
    Mini Speaker.

  • WebSite (or socials)

  • License, that you are planning to use:

  • Current status/stage of the project. Considering your project, please point out the project stages that you have already accomplished.
    The majority of electrical equipment currently available on the market consists of a visual output device, that communicates and interacts with the user through a visual display. Some devices, however, are also equipped with a voice interaction system, that allows users to utilize this technology without using their sight.

Nevertheless, the totality of these electrical devices equipped with an alternative interface is very narrow and confined and is often regarding popular customary appliances, such as smartphones, domestic or medical scales.
In Italy, therefore, finding “voice instruments” (as weather stations, domestic thermostats, washing machines or digital multimeters) is quite difficult, if not impossible.

Initially, while working in a chemistry lab, I thought about building a measuring instrument particularly useful in these contexts: a speaking pH-meter.

The first prototype of this innovative instrument has been carried out through an analog pH sensor, an audio module WTV020, both controlled by an Arduino Uno board, the core of the device.

The first version of the speaking pH-meter can pronounce sequentially the entire part, if necessary the word “comma” and the decimal portion of pH value when the probe is immersed in a liquid.

In the following versions, after carrying out some research, I thought about using a Mini DF Player as an audio module, rather than a WTV020 (more troubled and sophisticated to manage), while I decided to use an AtMega 328 as a control unit, streamlining the whole system.

The key point of the subsequent developments was the possibility to use the pH-meter vocal system on other instruments, such as a barometer, an ammeter or even a dishwasher.
In order to meet these requirements it is necessary to know how to manage a huge amount of information and values, differently from the pH measurement, that ranges from 0 to 14.

To achieve this it is necessary to subdivide the value or the information in the different parts that compose pronunciation, and subsequently manage microcontroller’s routine in order to play audio tracks.

The last step of the project consists of creating a case to contain all the electronic components. As for the small devices, in order to cut costs, I have decided to work with laser cutter machine, puncturing and customizing standard boxes, whenever possible. While, regarding particular devices, I have decided to cut and assemble the different sides of the case.


We’re very happy to support this project! :slight_smile:

go @giulioberretta go !!!



Hi @giulioberretta ! Nice to read you. I’m also involved in open source health care, open insulin specifically. As an OpenCare fellow I’m researching how open science/tech projects can realise a higher impact more effectively.

You mention the idea came to you while working in a lab, have you been working a while on this before the residency? What experience made you start this project? Have you had any help?

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Congrats @giulioberretta. Great idea!

I am curious about the workflow in the lab. A blind researcher would measure pH with your meter. What’s next? I imagine she would then have to report the value to somewhere, where, again, she’d need an input device… How does it work?


Hi Alberto and thanks for your replay!

Usually in a chemilab, pH measurements are made to determine the acidity or basicity degree of water solutions or instead in acid-base titolations. Expecially in this case it can be usefull to store the data to make a plot and operate calculations.

My device has a built-in speaker that shows the last measured values but if you need you can add a micro SD datalogger to the mainboard or simply link the instrument to the PC via USB and record data sent by serial.

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Hi Winnie and thanks for your replay!

Congrats for your plans and projects!

I made this device last year when I started to work in a secondary school chemilab where pH measurements are an ordinary activity and actually there are not devices like these usable by blind or reading unabled people.

The first prototype of this pH meter was made by me and then I asked for some support especially to design the PCB and the case.

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(Traduzione in italiano dell’application)

  • Tweet-like description of the project:
    Moduli per display vocale

  • Need or problem you are attempting to solve:
    Poter “leggere” un display numerico grazie alla voce, senza dover utilizzare la vista.

  • Beneficiary, single person and/or community:
    Persone con disabilitĂ , non vedenti o impossibilitati alla lettura.
    Persone con difficoltĂ  o ostacolati nella lettura dei valori su un display.

  • Solution, brief description of the project
    Modulo vocale per strumenti elettronici e sensori, in grado di pronunciare numeri e frasi brevi. Progettato specificamente per piccoli dispositivi come multimetri o apparecchi domotici.
    Questo modulo è stato creato per leggere, attraverso uno speaker, i valori che sono normalmente mostrati sul display del dispositivo.
    Sistema composto da un hardware in grado di leggere un dato, una libreria software in grado di comporre la pronuncia in base al dato, e una serie di guidelines per rendere il progetto parlante.

  • Technologies already adopted or that you are planning to adopt
    Small MicroController like Atmel or PIC;
    Audio Player Module like WTV020 or Mini DF Player;
    Mini Speaker.

  • WebSite (or socials)

  • License, that you are planning to use:

  • Current status/stage of the project. Considering your project, please point out the project stages that you have already accomplished.
    La stragrande maggioranza degli elettrodomestici e della strumentazione elettronica attualmente presenti sul mercato si serve di un dispositivo di output il più delle volte visivo per comunicare e per poter interagire con l’utente, tuttavia, alcuni apparecchi oltre all’output visivo dispongono anche di un sistema d’interazione vocale per consentire agli utenti di poter utilizzare queste tecnologie senza l’uso della vista.
    Ciò nonostante, la cerchia di questi dispositivi elettronici dotati di tale interfaccia alternativa è molto ristretta e spesso riguarda dispositivi popolari di uso comune come telefoni cellulari, bilance domestiche, medicali mentre invece può essere più difficile reperire almeno in italia strumenti parlanti come stazioni meteo, termostati domestici lavatrici o multimetri digitali.
    Inizialmente, lavorando in un laboratorio di chimica, ho subito pensato di costruire uno strumento di misura molto utile in tali contesti, ossia un pH-metro parlante.
    Il primo prototipo di questo innovativo strumento è stato realizzato attraverso un sensore di pH analogico, un modulo audio WTV020 entrambi controllati da una scheda Arduino 1, che è il cuore dello strumento.
    Questa prima versione del pH-metro è in grado di pronunciare in successione la parte intera ed eventualmente la parola “virgola” e la parte decimale del valore di pH quando si immerge la sonda in un liquido.
    Nelle successive versioni e dopo alcune ricerche, ho pensato di utilizzare come modulo audio un Mini DF Player piuttosto che un WTV020, molto piĂą problematico e sofisticato da gestire mentre come unitĂ  di controllo ho preferito utilizzare un AtMega 328 snellendo il sistema.