I participated in (some of) the CAPS Conference. CAPS is Eurospeak for Collective Awareness Platforms, and it is more or less a complexity science-emergence inspired funded R&D program. I learned some interesting stuff that the community interested in H2020 might find useful.
- batch of calls deadlining in late August and September on topics dear to the heart of many edgeryders. Specifically:
- Digital security and privacy
- Disaster and resilience (including climate change adaptation, @Vinay Gupta, and pandemics, @LucasG)
- the human factor in building the low-carbon society (I like this one!)
- Cultural heritage and European identities (perfect for Matera and the unMonastery, right @katalin, @mariabyck and @Ben Vickers?)
- Governance and ethics in research
- interesting higher-level initiative in Digital Social Platforms (this is part of CAPS). What they mean is figuring out how you can harness online interaction to attack societal problems like ageing or mobility.
- The second call of CAPS, probably out in January 2015, is to be extremely friendly to real communities. I think Edgeryders-the-company might apply. Its creator, Fabrizio Sestini, is the EC guy who engaged with Edgeryders in the Policy Hero Challenge during LOTE2. In his presentation (they should upload it on the website, but it is not there yet) he said:
- we only want real communities.
- we don't want perfect platforms that nobody uses
- hard requirement of at least two non-ICT partner in each consortium.
- This call, that gives out 80 million EUR in small grants (50-150 K EUR is small by EU standards) to entities who want to do innovation of almost any kind. This happens through accelerators, that have got the money to do so from the EU.
Any ideas, community?