I live in a small community in Sweden and we have a small association (community, ngo) which is trying to make life exciting with various activities close to us.
We have now a budget to create a website, but need a web developer to help us create it and maintain it. Ideally creating some sort of collaboration with Edgeryders around this.
I want to contract someone affiliated with ederyders to develop and strengthen the community.
I will be your project lead together with a woman from my community.
Feel free to reach out to me if you are interested or know someone that feel up for getting payed and at the same time develop a site with the values of edgeyriders, open source, inclusion, collaboration and generally good stuff.
great! I had a quick look at https://freelancers.edgeryders.eu/ and could not yet find a developer, but that’s not because there are none, there are many, we have not yet asked them specifically to add to the register there :). So let’s do that
And of course we can ask some people directly and ping them on this post
added to the outreach list, but without the #ngi4eu, since this is a general community matter, correct? should we add #makingaliving or #hiring or such?
Hallo @felix.wolfsteller and @MariaEuler we didn’t talk about the freelancers thing yet because there is still some coding to put in the finishing touches. Our intention is to turn it into a trusted network for finding skilled people - we already get requests for recommending people for paid work. We could scale this up to make it a go-to place to share and look for opportunities. We need help with three things to get it up and running.I think 1-2 days of work in total?
Finish the last bit of coding (maybe 1 day of work for someone with Vue.Js skills to finish the form (we are missing some things like making it include:
Field for developers to add their programming skills (languages, front-end/backend, profficency level, samples
Field for people to signal what kind of availability they have
Fields for people to mention what/ who they have worked with in the community before (adding user handles)
Some help from @Matthias to make the form directly talk to the platform (right now the information goes into an airtable, and then is uploaded onto the platform via a script that @owen wrote.
Write a nice invitation email for people to add themselves to the directory and send to everyone in the extended Edgeryders network.
Very cool. As a seasoned programmer this sounds like more work than what it sounds like ™. Been there, done that. But very happy to inscribe myself once its donw.