Next public presentation – 1 February 2024

Hi @reeflings !

Our next public presentation to connect with potential new members will take place in 5 weeks.

As always, there is a document ( ) that lists all of the tasks that need doing before, during and after the presentation. I have left the names of the people who did each of the particular tasks last time in the columns, in parentheses. So if you are that person and would like to do the task again, just remove the parentheses. Or remove that name and add your own if you are someone different :slight_smile:

@mieke - are you happy to the point person for this with me again?
@manuelpueyo and @Janet - are you able to get on to the social media posts, flyers, etc.?
@Lee - is there anything you need to be done differently regarding the presentation itself?
@Dave_behave - will you be available to stock the bar again this time?
@alberto - does anyone else need to look out for the bill from Victor, or will you see it?

As always, it would be great if as many Reeflings as possible could be there on the evening of the presentation, regardless of whether you are responsible for a task or not. We have discovered during the last couple of presentations that the vibe is much better, particularly for the post-presentation drinks and questions, when there are more of us involved.

For now, the main tasks to do are in the first box (Getting started: room & PR) of the document mentioned above, and from next week, the main tasks will be in the second box (Registration of participants).

Finally, can everyone please help by posting about the event on your various social media networks, and also by distributing flyers…



Hi, I can be present for the presentation, however I won’t be able to help with the preparation (sending confirmation mails to the people who register) because I will be away for work from 8 to 15 January. So if somebody could help me out with that?

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Hi Chris, I can help out during the presentation. :slight_smile: E.g. with welcoming people at the door and making sure everyone signs off, if you still need people for that.


All good for me.

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yes, working on it!

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Hi everyone,
I created a new registration form that can be found under the section ‘Join us’ on the website. It is important not to share the specific URL of the registration form on social media (bots!) but to refer to thereef.brussel.
@manuelpueyo could you create a FB event so that everyone could make publicity?
@reef-associate is there anyone who would be willing to help me out with keeping track of the registrations, sending the confirmation mails & answering questions in the mailbox when I’ll be gone (from 8 to 15 January)?


Hello Mieke,

I will be here from 8 to 15 january. I can take on the task of sending confirmation and information if you show me.


Great,thanks Simon. Yes, let’s find a moment soon!

If he sends it to the common account, I will see it.

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However, there is a limitation: you can not link directly to the “Join us” page. The link leads to the home page of the site. Try it: Edgeryders | Start

This means that, if you share the link to, you must tell people to click on “Join us” too.

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hey ! this is the facebook event link Redirecting...


@mieke, whatever you decide is good with me, but are you sure there will be enough people to make it worthwile to organise the presentation?

@Lee it is still holiday season for a lot of people now, so I would give it some more time and decide at the end of next week.
I will be away for work as from Monday and @SimonDelch will follow up the registrations from then onwards. I would suggest that you reevaluate the number of registrations by the end of next week? Ping @ChrisM


@reeflings hello everyone, the presentation is in less than two weeks so now that the holidays are over, don’t hesitate to share the FB event and make some publicity :slight_smile:


Did that yesterday. How are we doing with registrations?

Thx for sharing. About 8 households registered so far which is less than usual but I would suggest to evaluate by the end of the week if it would be better to reshedule or not.


@alberto: the Miro bill is in your mailbox. Could you please take care of this?

Did the newsletter go out? I don’t recall seeing it, but I may be wrong.


newsletter was sent last night . we have 15 people registered


i think I wont be able to make it to the public presentation this time. hope you can handle this