Next public presentation – 1 February 2024

Hi @reeflings !

It’s time to swing into gear for the presentation on Wednesday evening. We have 22 responses on the registration form so far, which is less than usual, so if you haven’t done so already, use whatever networks and social media platforms you’re engaged with to generate some last-minute buzz!

Some practicalities:

@ugne - do you still have the bar kitty, and if so, are you coming to the presentation?
@Dave_behave - will you be there to organise the bar? And if so, can you buy the Jupilers and juices?
@anon78992831 & @Aline_Jeandenans - are either of you coming, and are you able to bring a box of bio beers?

We’re going to try and be more organised with the bar money from now on. So at the beginning of the evening we note how much is in the kitty, those who buy the beers and juice bring the receipts and recover their money, and at the end of the evening, we should have slightly more than when we started. I imagine that we should start keeping a record of all the ins and outs… @reef-finance - any instructions regarding this?

Next thing: @SimonDelch - as part of taking over from Mieke, are you responsible for sending out the reminder email?

Regarding the projector, we now have one for the Reef, but as we don’t have a screen yet, I wonder if it’s not just as efficient for the moment to use the one we normally do. @alberto - are you coming on Wednesday? And regardless of the answer, are you ok with us using your screen and projector as usual?

And there’s more! I would normally go and collect the key from Miro at 16h (the office closes at 16h30), and then come back and open up at 18h30. But this time I have to work until later, and won’t even make it to that side of town before 18h45ish. So could someone who is available on Wednesday afternoon and evening please volunteer for that task?

And finally, who is coming to help us set the vibe and answer questions from potential new Reeflings? So far, the only people I know for sure are coming are: myself, @Lee, @mieke and @Susanne_P


Yes and yes. But I need help to carry the whole shebang.

I can do it. They know we are coming, right?

I can be at your place at 18h45, maybe even earlier, if I get lucky with public transport. If that feels a bit late, let’s see who else is planning on coming and try to rope someone in to do it earlier…

I usually text Victor (0475 246773) in the morning to let him know that I’m coming at about 16h. There’s usually a group playing cards in the main room, and one of them opens the doors to the office at the back for me. The same guy always gives me the key… not sure if it’s Victor or not though

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I don’t know what time I can be there, so better not count on me for the early set-up.

I’ll bring some leftover snacks from the party: crisps, nachos and Tony chocolate somethings.

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Hi @ChrisM , i will bring 12 organic beers and will be here for the presentation.


hey @ChrisM , a part of the money box is with @Dave_behave and he will be bringing it to the presentation, he has just confirmed. There is enough. I can’t come this time, looking for a solution with Ada, @manuelpueyo should be there, will confirm.

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Hello @reef-recruitment,

The weather forecast for tomorrow is not great: it’s going to snow, and the recommendation from the IRM is to limit getting on the road as much as possible.

Given that we only have 24 registrations, and that under normal circumstances about half of the people who registered actually show up, I would be in favour of postponing the event.

Overall, we get about 1/5 of people who attended who ask for a one-on-one, which for me is not enough to mobilise so many Reeflings. It will cost us 50 euro, but it will reduce the risk of somebody getting hurt on the road, and it will save an evening for those who are a bit overwhelmed with Reef events.

Given that only have of the people who registered usually show, normally rescheduling should not make much of a difference: some people won’t be able to make it, but then for others it will work out better.

Happy to get your thoughts!


Agreed. @ChrisM, want to call it?

Also agree! The small number of registrations for this one, combined with the weather, makes it sensible to postpone.

Two things:

Can anyone volunteer to send out a group email to those registered, announcing the postponement? I’m literally running between courses and meetings for the rest of the day…

And could a proficient French speaker perhaps get in touch with Victor at Miro and try to negotiate using the 50 euros we paid to be used for the next presentation, in light of the weather advice?

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I think this is best left to whoever handled the newsletter and registrations. Was it @mieke ? I can help if needed.

And by the way: since the process was handled by @mieke, let’s leave last word to her. I live close to Brutopia and can be there whatever the weather, retrieve the key, etc.

@Mieke is on a work trip to Turkey, so I think we run with our decision to postpone. She passed her administrative duties off to @SimonDelch before she left, but I didn’t get a response from him above. And normally there would be a reminder email sent out by now, which hasn’t happened (which actually turns out to be quite fortunate). So regarding the email about the postponement, it would be good if someone could copy and paste the email addresses from the registration form and send a message out today. If no-one is able to, I’ll do it when I get home later tonight… :slight_smile:

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Hello Chris ! I sent the reminder email yesterday evening. I can send the cancellation tonight.

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Thank you @SimonDelch… much appreciated!

(I keep telling my students to read things this afternoon, so that I have time to turn my attention to Reef-related matters :sweat_smile: )

And sorry I didn’t see that and thought it didn’t happen :confused:

Is it possible to already include a new date in the cancellation email? If only tentative if we need to check the availability of Miro?

If yes, I will be offline for a couple of hours, but here are the days that I cannot make it: 25, 29, 30, 5, 8, 13.

I’ll text Victor now and see if: a/ we can move our booking from tomorrow to 1 February (a Thursday); and b/ if we can have 1 February regardless…

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Ok, so Victor says that it’s no problem to move our presentation from tomorrow to 1 February, but he can’t confirm that the room is free until tomorrow morning. I think the cancellation email should go out this evening, so that there’s no danger of people missing it and turning up. We could take a chance and put 1 February on the email this evening, or play it safe and send a follow up email tomorrow…

For the email I would say it as it is "we are planning to do it on 01/02 but we are waiting for a confirmation of the venue.

@manuelpueyo can you please update the FB event?

@alberto would it be complicated for you to print something saying “cancelled due to bad weather, very sorry you missed the email”? If not it would be great, otherwise let’s drop it?

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Ok, I will send this now