Hi @reeflings !
It’s time to swing into gear for the presentation on Wednesday evening. We have 22 responses on the registration form so far, which is less than usual, so if you haven’t done so already, use whatever networks and social media platforms you’re engaged with to generate some last-minute buzz!
Some practicalities:
@ugne - do you still have the bar kitty, and if so, are you coming to the presentation?
@Dave_behave - will you be there to organise the bar? And if so, can you buy the Jupilers and juices?
@anon78992831 & @Aline_Jeandenans - are either of you coming, and are you able to bring a box of bio beers?
We’re going to try and be more organised with the bar money from now on. So at the beginning of the evening we note how much is in the kitty, those who buy the beers and juice bring the receipts and recover their money, and at the end of the evening, we should have slightly more than when we started. I imagine that we should start keeping a record of all the ins and outs… @reef-finance - any instructions regarding this?
Next thing: @SimonDelch - as part of taking over from Mieke, are you responsible for sending out the reminder email?
Regarding the projector, we now have one for the Reef, but as we don’t have a screen yet, I wonder if it’s not just as efficient for the moment to use the one we normally do. @alberto - are you coming on Wednesday? And regardless of the answer, are you ok with us using your screen and projector as usual?
And there’s more! I would normally go and collect the key from Miro at 16h (the office closes at 16h30), and then come back and open up at 18h30. But this time I have to work until later, and won’t even make it to that side of town before 18h45ish. So could someone who is available on Wednesday afternoon and evening please volunteer for that task?
And finally, who is coming to help us set the vibe and answer questions from potential new Reeflings? So far, the only people I know for sure are coming are: myself, @Lee, @mieke and @Susanne_P…