Next public presentation – 1 February 2024

Will do.


Victor has confirmed that Miro is available for us on 1 February :slight_smile:

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@manuelpueyo could you confirm if the FB event is updated? Would it also be possible to send out a short news letter with the new date?

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it’s confirmed,
campaign is being sent
facebook page whoever is reading this. let’s boos it with some likes and shares,


@reeflings the next public presentation is in one week, please share the FB event on your social networks and make some publicity :slight_smile:


Hello dear @reeflings,

This is a reminder for Thursday’s info session. We have about 37 registrations so far and probably some more people will register in the coming days. Please use your networks and social media to make some last-minute publicity :slight_smile:

For the practical organisation:

  • @Dave_behave - are you coming to the presentation and will you bring the bar kitty + do you want to organise the bar and buy beers and juices? Could you also buy some bio beer (I believe @Aline_Jeandenans & @anon78992831 won’t be able to attend but correct me if I am wrong) ?
  • @Susanne_P are you still planning to come and would you still be available for signing off the names at the entrance? I can send you the list of participants on Wednesday evening so that you could print it? Let me know if you cannot make it and then we’ll look for another volunteer.
  • @ChrisM, @alberto @Lee Can you see among yourselves who could take care of the projector & keys?
  • Who else could come to set up the room beforehand and have a chat with potential reeflings after the presentation?

Thanks and see you on Thursday :slight_smile:


I can collect the keys from Brutopia in the afternoon and then open up at 18h30. Once someone else arrives, I can head up to Alberto’s to help bring down the projector, screen, etc…

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Not possible for me nor for Sébastien…
Have fun!

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So @Dave_behave, if you can bring Jupilers and juice, I’ll grab a dozen bio beers now that neither Seb nor Aline are coming. I believe the system now is that we pay ourselves back from the starting kitty, and make sure that we’ve got more in it at the end than when we start. I’m not sure if that means we’re collecting receipts and noting what’s coming in each time… can anyone enlighten us on this (@Lee or @ugne perhaps)?


Sorry, will be busy until 7.30pm


I am not free neither


Why don’t you come to my place, we can go together with the gear at 18.30.

Good plan :slight_smile:

Ill organise the bar and bring the kitty.
Chris will bring the juice.
and some prestige beers.

How many people are enrolled?


Thx Dave! 40 something are enrolled so far (I could give you the exact number tonight)

OK. That number deserves quite a few beers.

Usually only half of them show up. But never enough prestige beers if you ask my humble opinion and remembering how fast they were gone last time :wink: Let me know if you need help

@mieke Hi Mieke, I really wish I could be there to help and also to see everyone again but I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it this time.

No problem Susanne, next time maybe :slight_smile:

Yes, I think this will require a bit of administration, because you can’t just add and substract amounts, because you’ll always have a number of bottles that are not sold yet.

Data you could collect:

  • How much is in the kitty before and after the presentation
  • Cost per bottle of beer
  • Cost of a bottle of juice (note that sometimes bottles are unfinished, so the price of 3-4 glasses may need to cover the entire bottle)
  • How much was paid to the people who bought the drinks
  • How many bottles were bought but were not sold yet