Next public presentation – 29 January 2025

Hello @reeflings !

Our next (and possibly last!) public presentation will take place on 29 January, which is a Wednesday evening. As usual, the venue will be Salle Miro at Brutopia (Forest).

Also as usual, there are some tasks that need to be done before, during and after the presentation. A complete overview can be found in this document:
@mieke - can you indicate which tasks you’re happy to take responsibility for in parts 1.1 and 1.2, and delegate someone to take responsibility for anything else?
@reef-comms - there are the usual tasks assigned to you
@Dave_behave - let’s chat the week before about stocking and running the bar

Something to think about before all the advertising/website updating/social media/etc. kicks into gear is what exactly we want to say in terms of what’s available and what level of specificity they can expect regarding info on the night…
@Lee - do you have a clear idea about how the advertising text needs to be adapted to match the message on presentation night?

Finally, on the night, all Full, Associate and Exploring members are welcome to attend. In fact, the more the merrier! Even if you can’t be there early or stay too late, feel free to just come for the drink/chat afterwards, because we find that the more of us that are there, the nicer it feels. And this one is really important!

That’s it for now…



Hi @Lee, could you ping me once you made a text? Then I can publish it on our channels.
Hi @reef-external here is the url to the registration form that you could put in the newsletter:

Small thing: can we please save this file in the “presentations” folder? Folder-structure-wise this would be more intuitive.

@manuelpueyo please hold it off until further notice. There are a couple of things we still need to clarify.

I’m working on it. See The last remaining units - #2 by els and on Nextcloud “Presentations” > file: text for social media

Will do.

@mieke can you please add a multiple choice question (with tick boxes, so multiple answers possible) on which type of unit the people are interested in? This will make it possible later in the process to contact sub-groups if need be. Options include studio, one-bedroom, two-bedrooms, three-bedrooms and four-bedrooms.

Can you please also give me admin rights to the survey? TIA!

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Done & done


We already have one registration. Do we know how that happened?

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Yes. She’s the one who sent an email…
I also put the date of the presentation on our website today, together with the registration form. Was that too soon?

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Nono, absolutely not. I was just curious.

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Hello @reeflings,

If you are on Facebook, would you be willing to boost the event for our presentation a bit? You can put yourself on “going” and/or share it on your timeline to spread the news. This is the link: Presenting our cohousing project in Jette

Also: if you still have flyers, please don’t hesitate to sprinkle them around in bioshops, hipster bars etc. If you need some more, I can always put some on the mailboxes here for pick-up.

Finally: would there possibly be a volunteer who would be willing to go out to Jette to distribute some flyers there?


I’m going over to Jette after the next plenary to change the lock on the site, so I could distribute some flyers at the same time…


The plenary ends at 10 pm. Doesn’t that make you miss out on bioshops?

I meant the day after :slight_smile:

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I will share it on my Facebook timeline.


Just a quick update for everybody’s reassurance: promotion for the presentation started two days ago, and we have already reached 20 registrations. Normally the average is three registrations per day, so this is an absolute first.


@mieke I see that the registrations are significantly slowing down. Can it maybe be an option to already re-publish the ad on Habitat & Participation?

Yeah that was the plan on my to-do list tomorrow!


All @reeflings, we have 36 registrations so far. Could you all help spreading the word & share the event once more on your social media? Thanks a lot.


Hello @mieke and @ChrisM,

I have updated the slide deck and put the link in the “key documents” session. This is the one: Nextcloud

From now on I will also make sure that this link no longer changes (only the content).

Would one of you be willing to have a look at our website and update this link? I think there is a reference to it on all the pages that we have (i.e. for future Reeflings in 3 languages and for the neighbours in 2 languages).

Hi @Lee the link that you shared here, refers to a slide deck made on 29 September 2024? At least that is the date on the first slide. Can you confirm if this is correct?

Thanks for spotting that! I corrected it now.

(I don’t know what Mother Nature was thinking when it was wiring my the numbers-and-dates part of my brain, but it’s clear she was in a very funny mood :sweat_smile:)