Next public presentation – 6 June 2024

Hello @reeflings !

Our next public presentation will take place on 6 June. This one will be slightly different to those that have come before, because of the exciting recent developments.

The main difference is that @manuelpueyo is sending a mailout explaining what’s going on with the project at the moment to everyone on our mailing list. The expectation is that there are enough people on that list who have been waiting for more information regarding a potential site to fill the room with enough new members moving forward. If a week out from the presentation it looks like that will not be the case, then we put into place all the other ways that we communicate about our presentations, such as flyers, social media and our individual personal networks.

The other difference will be in some of the content regarding the presentation itself, such as up-to-date information about current developments and the société simple. It is also the case that we believe we are currently at the right number of 2-bedroom households, so both the newsletter, any subsequent advertising and the presentation itself will all be aimed at those wanting a studio or a 1-bedroom unit, or a 3- or more bedroom unit.

As usual there are some tasks that need to be done before, during and after the presentation, and a complete overview can be found in this document: . The names in parentheses are the people who did a job last time, so if this is you, delete your name if you can’t do it this time, or remove the parentheses if you can.

On the night, all Full, Associate and Exploring members are welcome to attend. In fact, the more the merrier! Even if you can’t be there early or stay too late, feel free to just come for the drink/chat afterwards, because we find that the more of us that are there, the nicer that feels :slight_smile:

@Dave_behave: Would you be willing to organise the bar again? We’ll need a complete restock, because we cleaned it out last time, if I remember correctly…

@mieke - are you all good for the admin side? I’m sure there are a few new members who would be happy to help if needed…

That’s it for now. See you all soon!



On the Nextcloud calendar, you will see that there is also a facilitation training planned for 6 June. As you may have seen on other threads, this training programme is currently being revised in light of current developments… :slight_smile:


@manuelpueyo This is the link to the registration form. I already posted it on our homepage as well.



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by the way, tomorrow i am planning to go to this conference to share some flyers, if someones fancy to come…


Good job! The email campaign is sent.


Hi beautiful people !

We’re a week away from the next public presentation, and we have 12 registrations following our mail out, which is a bit less than we expected at this point. There’ll undoubtedly be a few more between now and then, but let’s not take any chances and put our social media prowess into action to fill up the room:

@mieke - can you publish on Samenhuizen and H & P

@manuelpueyo - can you create the event on Facebook

All @reeflings - can you also post about the event on your various networks

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:


hello chris! i am having troubles to login to facebook account. it’s a technical problem with authentication. i will keep trying but if someone has access to the facebook page it would be nice to duplicate the previous event at least.

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you could use directly this link to share the event with people you know or complete stragers


Hello @ChrisM For H&P and Samenhuizen I will use the content of the newsletter?

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Hi @mieke yes, let’s do that. Don’t hesitate to ask a French speaker to draft the text for H&P. On Facebook I made the text a bit more explicit than the newsletter. All feedback welcome.

@manuelpueyo I created the event.

@reeflings, can you please share the event on Facebook, and even ask a couple of dear friends to also share it? This is the link: Redirecting...

Likewise, if you would see a possibility to send around an email, don’t hesitate to ask for a copy of the newsletter. We can easily send it to you if you didn’t receive a copy.


Hi @reeflings,

Apologies for pinging you twice on the same topic. Turning things around in my head I’m afraid we are a bit in a pickle here, because based on past experiences it looks unlikely that there will be a respectable amount of people next week at the presentation. This matters quite a bit, because the onboarding of the new members is quite energy-intensive, but it doesn’t change much if there are few or many people. So the more people the better.

Would anybody have time to go out and put out some flyers here and there, in your neighbourhood and/or in Jette? I’m thinking bio-shops, hipster bars and beer yoga places, but there’s certainly more options. I have a stack of flyers at home, and I can easily put them on the mail boxes here in the hallway, and/or leave some at Alberto’s in Forest if that’s easier to pick them up.

Otherwise anything you can do to get the word out would really help us to make progress. Pretty much anybody you know may know somebody who could be interested: your family, your hobby club, your colleagues, parents of your children’s friends, … word of mouth is by far the thing that has helped us the most, so everything we can do to give this a boost would really be a win.

The ultimate challenge here would be to find strategies to help us to increase the diversity in our group. Being mostly dependent on word of mouth and the typical cohousing networks, so far it has been difficult to find people who are different from the average Reefling.

I don’t want to go into a discussion of what diversity means. As long as people meet our criteria of somehow harmoniously fitting in the group, “different” could be as “simple” as people who are older than 50 or 60 years old, people who have different religious background, people who are less able-bodied, … you name it. I so wish they would find us.

In addition, from the mere existence of an organision like Oak Tree Projects we know that there are quite a lot of people with one or the other special need who are looking for a tightly nit community like a cohousing. I also know several people who are desperately looking for a housing solution for their mentally disabled child. These people are out there, looking for a project like ours, yet somehow so far it has been really difficult to find them ourselves. Any ideas on how we could do something about this before we run out of units would be very welcome. Maybe @reef-external could give some special thought to this?


Just to let know that I’ve spread the information already to some people above 50 :wink:
I know that some will come…


Done (yesterday). It usually takes a few days before it will appear on H&P though.


Team has not yet kicked off. I am being sucked back into Finance over JET-14 :frowning:

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yes, also talking to people and a few should already come to the presentation. Happy to go and leave more flyers


good ideas @Lee . and thanks for creating the facebook event. we are on the right track to get a decent amount of people.

another line of thought: would be interesting to target more people around the Jette area: i am going to put some flyers there on sunday


Not sure if you can advertise the event on Facebook Jette-related groups, like Redirecting...


If you go to Jette on Sunday, you might want to drop some flyers at “Le Ploef” - av Bonaventure 100.
It’s a small associative and cultural spot. They are open every first sunday of the month from 14 to 18pm to plays games…
Maybe, it’s also a good place to do a presentation in the future (because not too fare from J-14). I’m already sending a mail to Indirah to inform her about The Reef and the presentation.


great idea sophie. noted, i will go there on sunday!