Next public presentation – 6 June 2024

is it an idea to maybe write to the other cohousings in bxl (the spiegel, l’échappée,…), maybe they have a ‘reseau’ or still a list of people who didn’t join their cohousing because the moment wasn’t right?


If you need any help to translate documents etc. in French, I’m of course available!


Yes it’s a good idea! Somebody told me today it could be worth asking the commune to post it in the monthly magazine… maybe for the next one?


I can’t see the groups you are mentioning, but by all means never hesitate to get the word out. My experience with the Facebook groups is that the direct results are close to zero (nobody ever said they found us this way), but that doesn’t exclude that it sets in motion a flow of word-of-mouth, so if it’s low effort it is definitely worth it.

Great idea. If somebody would have space for this that would be a win. Once we have signed the offer another option would be to use the architects’ Instagram handle.


@Sarah : i’ve understood from chris, you might have the contact details of various cohousings in brussels. If so can you tell me where i can find them?

I sent you what I have via Signal. It’s not much though.

I did send already a mail with all information to Marie from l’Echappé to ask her to inform people interested in cohousing. I’did also in another Co-housing in Schaerbeek where In someone (I think it’s La Montagne, not sure).


Hi @els

Would you have space to check whether the price estimates that we present at the presentation are still accurate?

If not, could you please update the table? I am drowning and it would help me to save a bit of time. TIA!

@els and @sarah could you please also give me the current count of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms that we have left? Count on Koen (the social investor) not being part of the project for now.

Hi @mieke , I can give a hand, just tell me with which of the tasks.

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Hi Lucia, are you coming to the presentation? Would you be willing to sign of the names of the attendees at the entrance?

Yes and yes


OK great, thanks a lot for that. I just gave you access to the registration form, so it would be good if you could print it at the day of the presentation, so that you can mark the names of the people who show up. You will notice that some people did not fill in their email address, so if they come on the 6th, please ask for their email address and add it to the excel list. If you could also mark in the digital excel list the names of the attendees, then it is easy to send out the email with the survey the next day.
I hope this is clear :slight_smile: if not, I can explain it on the day of the presentation, I will do my best to arrive at 7.30.

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Cristal clear :wink:


Can we get an idea of who will be coming to the presentation on Thursday, either to help out before or after, or just to participate in the drinks/Q&A afterwards, answering questions and making it clear to everyone how awesome we are :slight_smile:

All Full and Associate Members welcome. So far confirmed, we have:
@ChrisM - set up and bar
@mieke (at 7.30)
@Lee - presenting
@LuciaM - welcoming at the door
@Dave_behave - bar



I will also be there, aiming for 7.15pm :slight_smile:


yes. but maybe worth wait for the next public presentation because this one in june is too short notice. i am also going to get in touch with a CSA agriculture project i am in touch with (Courjette).

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current situation (full members + 1 investor)
3 bedrooms apartments: 2
2 bedroom apartments: 5
1 bedroom apartments/studios: 4 (including dave)

In the assumption

  • we keep the 1905 m2 as logements (and no m2 are sacrified for extra common spaces)
  • we have an average of 90m2 apartment,

we would end up with 21 units.
the architects said a proportion of 8 2-bedrooms, 7 1-bedrooms and 6 3-bedrooms would be accepted by the commune.

This would leave the following:
3 bed room apartments: 4 left
2 bed room apartments: 3 left
1 bed room apartments : 3 left
(of course this is not taking into account the apartments our current associate members would take up if they would become full members)


yes, will do that tomorrow evening…
i suppose this is without an increase of 2% /5% on the casco price?

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Yes. In principle it should stay the same, but with numbers I can never be sure of myself :face_with_diagonal_mouth: