Next public presentation – 6 June 2024

I will be there too!


i updated the file
(i didn’t really understand the difference between sheet 1 and 2), so basically they contain the same info…

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Two days out from the next presentation, and the registrations are starting to look better :slight_smile: So far, 28 registered (33 people). If you haven’t done so already dear @reeflings, spread the word far and wide!

On Thursday, I’ll be picking up the key from the venue in the morning, and I’ll be opening up as usual at 18h30.

Good news! Can you please bring down the screen and an HDMI cable? I’ll be picking up the Reef’s beamer from Quentin and Caro’s on the way there, and I’ll have an extension cord with me…



I will join with Ada as well and can be at the door



I revised the slide deck and put it online, in the usual place (key documents). This is the link Nextcloud

Happy to receive feedback, though for now unable to change anything that isn’t disastrous.

@ChrisM can you please bring the tingsha bells?

Also: I have taken the liberty to finalise the survey for the next day, in line with what we discussed at the Team R&O meeting on Sunday.



That was on my list of things to do for this evening :slight_smile:

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Looks fantastic!

  • detail: slide 19: the title: the ‘3’ should be in the beginning of the sentence i guess…
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Sorry I completely missed these messages of the last few days…

For Spiegel and l’Echappée, we went through the architects. I see Spieghel has an email address though…

And I have the contact for somebody from Casa nova, l’Ambassade and Tivoli. Who did you contact already? There are other things to ask them…
And I’ll message SophieC for the extra questions so she can ask her contacts.

Otherwise I always copy the Reef, so you can find things in the Reef mailbox with the search function.

I’ll try and join, but not sure what time I will be able to make it (not before 7.30pm I would say), and will have to leave early-ish

I am back tracking a bit on this in the end. It might not be the best idea to attract attention and get the neighbourhood all revved up about us at this point? Don’t know what might come out of it, could be some resistance…


I agree this could need a special thought strategy


Hello everybody!

I’m sick since several days with big headaches. So really impossible for me to be present today. (And that’s why I didn’t could be more reactive on this topic and the others this week, exacpt giving some “hearts” :wink: )

But @LuciaM and our son will be present :slight_smile:

All the best for the presentation, you rock!