Next public presentation - 8 November 2023

hi @Janet if you send me your gmail address in a private message I can add you as a collaborator on the form so you can see the answers to the question how people found out about the information session.


I think we usually have about half to two-thirds actually turn up :slight_smile:


I will organise the bar.
Maybe also a few snacks.


I’ll be joining after the presentation!


Hi @ChrisM , really sorry, my boss is in town and we have a thing in the evening with the team, so won’t be able to join and will have to pick up Ada somehow. But Manuel will be there and can be at the door. I will also give him the money box.


Hi @reef-recruitment,

Just a quick message to let you know that I have updated the slide deck. The most important changes are in slides 23-26. Feel free to have a look if you like, which you can do by opening Google Docs and going to slides. If you’d like me to change something, can you give me a sign?

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Where does it live? I thought I might find it in the ‘Public presentations’ folder, but no joy…

i sent you via email latest participants list. to know the source of the discovery of the event,

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@ChrisM you can find it by going to Google Docs, in the slides section. It’s on Google because we used Google before we used Nextcloud, and I don’t manage to migrate it to Powerpoint without completely messing up the lay-out.

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Just to let everyone know that I will be at Mira to open up at 18h45 this evening. It may already be open if people arrive earlier, but I wouldn’t count on it… :slight_smile:

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Dear all, unfortunately, I forgot my private phone in the office. Another very stressful day at work today … Just to confirm I will come, only a bit later on bc I still need to eat something. But will be there for my task of cleaning up afterwards!
See you then!

3 posts were split to a new topic: How do people learn about The Reef

Hi Reeflings,
First of all, thanks to everyone who helped making last week’s public presentation a success :slight_smile: I just wanted to let you know that 6 households filled in the survey following the presentation (yesterday was the deadline). A few of them already had their one-on-one with a full member, others will meet a full member soon. All of them were informed about the next plenary on 28 November and the scouting & community day on 19 November but don’t hesitate to tell them again when you meet them :slight_smile: