Nextcloud as a possible IT infrastructure for The Reef: preliminary tests and thoughts

hello @alberto, i have created a test doc in my own instance of nextcloud, I am using an app that integrates with nextcloud called onlyoffice, can you check if this complies with naming your version requirements? test

I cannot even see the files revision history.

  • File views correctly, but I cannot edit it online
  • I can download it and edit it locally, but not re-upload the edited version.

I think some permissions are missing.

thanks, i think the issue is that I need to create an account for you to test it,
I will try to do that, create a test account for you , you might get an invitation email

Are you using only office or collabora?

The latest Nextcloud update integrates collabora more natively as “Nextcloud hub 2.0” using that should solve various issues.

I am running Nextcloud 22.2.4 with onlyoffice,. I have read that there is “nextcloud office” which is an integration with collabora, but i don’t know how to turn it on, Cheers

@alberto do we still have domain name i would like to access it for some testing with apps

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Yes, we do. I’ll send you login credentials on a more secure channel.

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thank you @alberto. I’ll wait for that, :grinning:

i suggest for this need to use mattermost, rocket chat or any other open source “slack” inspired work messaging apps. instead of signal which I currently use for private communications and prefer no to mix.

hi @alberto , i have included IT infrastructure in the minutes meeting of 08/03 (section AOB), let me know if you have time to discuss about it in advance *as working group, or we postpone the discussion for the next meeting

Let’s do that. I would like a word, but my work calendar for Monday and Tuesday does not leave me any space.

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Guys, may I suggest that you first take this up among the two of you and only involve the entire group once you are more or less ready?

That is indeed the plan.

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@reeflings, the migration to Nextcloud is now complete. This means that all the relevant files have been uploaded into a shared Nextcloud folder (called The Reef shared folder). Its internal structure into subfolders mimcs the one we had in Google. Exception: the presentation @Lee is working on now.

I did not upload to Nextcloud the files related to the Edgeryders 2019 project.

At this point, I propose to drop the Google Drive altogether, and revoke our authorization to the Edgeryders corporate Google space. We continue working on Nextcloud.

See also the post introducing The Reef’s digital assets.

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Technical question: does every document get a unique URL, or does the URL change when the document is moved or the name of the folder it is part of gets changed?

@alberto, can you please help me with this one (before I make an irreversible mess)? Thanks!

Fear not, o fair maiden! The cavalry is on its way :slight_smile:

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Hello Team IT! (tagging: @alberto and @manuelpueyo)

Technical question: in a Nextcloud document, when I click on a link to a Nextcloud document (using ctrl + click to open the document in a new tab), is it possible to open the document in a way that Nextcloud knows that it’s me (hence allowing me to edit)?

Example: I click on the links to the proposals in the “Decision log” document, but when I open these document I get a public version (so not able to correct typos).

Nextcloud has two types of links, Public links allow read-only access; internal links allow a read-and-write access.


Of course, if someone who does not have an account on our workspace clicks on an internal link, she gets prompted to log in. This would not happen to you, because you have a cookie in your browser that reminds the Nextcloud server that you are you.


Yes, but you have to use the internal link. On the other hand, it is correct to share public links in places like the website, because they are the only ones that allow access to the general public.

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Thanks! Very helpful! I’ll add the internal links then as soon as I find some time.