Notes from call with Irene 27 Aug

FuckUp nights started in Mexic and has been building international community in different cities. The format adopted in Brussels is curating key stories with invited speakers: 7 mins per fuckup story; 10 images of 30 seconds each.

ANTIHEROES founded by Irene and Kira is not registered as an organisation yet, has been working lately on how to listen to failure stories and how to tell stories -workshops for 2hrs, mainly with entrepreneurs.

FuckUp nights are pop up events. Last year happened in the cultural center of the city centre; included in the program of the center. They usually take 1 day per week for about 3 months to organize, depending on how fast you find the speakers; lately it was faster, they office space for free, which helps find clients and sponsors.

Partners of Antiheroes: main one is Canadian organisation Fail Forward, a spinoff of Engineers beyond borders (since 2010 it publishes Failure Report - they have specific methodology to come to this reports);

-Kira is writing a book, so has less time until October; really good with design and communication

-10th of Sept: first fuckup event this season in Bxl; tickets sold via donations according to the global model (5% of an avg event?)

-almost 70% of people were new at most events: good and bad news

-try to curate every time different stories; “why am I listening about a social project? I thought it was about entrepreneurship”. We want to focus on mixing the two.

Banks in BXL: Kira and Irene working on change management; getting people to be more proud of their organisation by having the freedom to make errors and bounce back


-model for organising it is available here:

-it would be great with a new coordinator that is not ER LbG to find new processes and workarounds to not waste any engagement effort - have a clearer plan from the beginning and don’t push more than necessary. It’s really hard to engage people if you don’t have something concrete secured in the background: strategic partners.

-in general LOTEs have circa half new people on Edgeryders, which would be OK for this edition; 15% should be new strategic partners, bridges into difft networks; we could get a place for free in Brussels, need to check

How to start the work?

I. option

-gather fundraising docs

-not getting a sponsor, but a long term partner; build an A4 pitching a project with Lote on the side or as a contributor to a deliverable (last year Rockefeller sponsorship enabled us to pay for peoples travels and have an output - here is the research report on Networked Communities Stewarding Public Assets at Scale)

II option - the Lote4 model:

-do the first writeup on theme + immediate call for participation. Community engagement from time t0 is more time consuming and sometimes makes us de-focus from building strategic partnerships and look for funding…

So we’ll go with I., start brainstorming partners places and then produce a document.

-important to know where does it all go? Can we build something out of Lote5? Irene: A crowdsourced toolkit from ppl talking about failure; how to physically create spaces where to criticize in a constructive way and produce prototypes for failing intelligently

-think of how current projects can make a contribution? e.g. Buc 2021 - Noemi can reach out to network to see what could be interesting on this side…

-Croatian organisation mentioned by Irene

-look for organisations doing work on failing; cultural change; companies interested in human centered design and prototyping - how to produce intelligent failures from prototypes; failing intelligently; foresight organisations (Forum For the Future, London; Institutes for the Future); start up communities (Startup weekend, Pirates weekend); failure and innovation. Do we want to gather another voice or an outcome coming from existing voices? Edgeryders is more of the first - it’s edgier than failure and innovation in the usual discourse…

-Irene to share documents they produced in the past relevant for reaching out to new networks…

Next call: sometime on Monday Sept 7th.

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I will be attending the next call. Finally, we move!

Today’s open call

It will start at 5pm ( Brussels time UTC/GMT +2) via this link.

Reminder on the agenda:  listing potenital strategic partners and brainstorming documents/products resulting from LOTE5 that could be interesting for us and these potential partners.

Talk to you later