OPEN CALL: Participatory workshop facilitators based in Brussels

TREASURE is a Horizon 2020 project exploring the transition of the automotive sector towards Circular Economy (CE) lead by Politecnico di Milano and sees the participation of 15 organisations from 6 countries.

Within the project Treasure, Edgeryders lead the WP2 on Circularity & sustainability assessment methods integration & application .

In this context, we are looking for English speaking facilitators to organize a series of workshops for ethnographic research purposes. The workshops consist in group ethnographic interviews, approximately 45-60 minutes in length which help us map the conceptual space around circular economy and sustainability practices in the car sector.

Ethnography seeks to illuminate and help us understand communities of meaning, with its own analytical concepts and worldviews informed by the social, political, and economic understandings that help shape the culture and the future of sustainable mobility.
The target public is the professional and expert community on one side and the general public on the other.


The first set of series should take place in a physical space in Brussels in the beginning of the month of July.
The following ones will be organized online.

The workshops are structured as group ethnographic interviews / facilitated discussion with 12-15 interlocutors coming from specific sectors.

The task of the facilitator consists in organizing 2 or more such workshops by providing participants from the selected public (people engaged in circular economy and recycling practices, policy makers, professionals connected to the car industry, general public) and possibly an appropriate venue.

Edgeryders’ ethnographer will lead the workshops and the research is going to be published on Edgeryders’ website without using real names.

We think the position suits well graduate students in anthropology, sociology or design with interest in circular economy and/or cars who might re-use the work for a thesis or papers (everything is open access), but we will consider any applicant. Candidates from any gender, nationality, culture or walk of life are welcome.
Important: this is a freelancer contract, the hired person needs to be either a registered freelancer or have the possibility to invoice for own the work.

Required Skills

  • Experience in facilitation of participatory workshops
  • Native (or C1 minimum) English language
  • French and German an advantage
  • Based or gravitating on Brussels


  • Recruit groups of different participants (people engaged in circular economy and recycling practices, policy makers, professionals connected to the car industry, general public).
  • Organize the event in coordination with Edgeryders team
  • Facilitate the workshop(s)
  • Compile a short report


Coordination happens online through Edgeryders’ platform, from wherever you are. If you happen to be in Brussels, you can also come to our office, but that’s not a requisite.

Training and support

Edgeryders staff will train you to use our software platform.


Depends on the candidate’s home base and seniority.

To apply:

Write to Include:

  • A short motivation letter, explaining in the email why you would like to work on this and why do you think you are the right candidate.
  • A CV (short ones are appreciated).

Questions? Leave us a comment below.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003587

@Nica @marina

thanks @ivan looks good to me. The only thing - maybe we should emphasise that this is a “service contract” and that the person needs to be a registered freelancer or have any other legal entity. Could be integrated under “required skills” (write rather “requirements” as “based or gravitating on Brussels” is not a skill) :slight_smile:

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