OpenCare at Milano Sharing Cities

@Luciascopelliti is organising an invitation-only networking lunch in Milano around OpenCare. @Alberto will be there, and hopefully @Costantino and @zoescope and the WeMake + Milano crowd.

Goal of the networking lunch is to build partnerships on projects that can “branch out” from OpenCare. The follow-up will be inviting them to our first consortium meeting in Brussels.

Let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions, or if you plan to be there.

Date: 2015-11-13 11:00:00 - 2015-11-13 11:00:00, Europe/Brussels Time.


I’ll be there :wink:

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meeting organization


even if a proper agenda for this meeting would be too much and we would like to keep in informal…

I assume a presentation of the project will be held. @Alberto are you going to do it? No slide I would say and I would go on with a round table - each participant suggesting links starting from inputs of the open care presentation / q&A.

Any other comment / suggestions? @Costantino @Cristina_Martellosio @Rossana_Torri @Alberto

Focus: OpenCareClinic

Yes, of course we have to have a sort of presentation as a conversation opener. To make this more concrete, I thought I would propose one spinoff in particular. We are calling it the OpenCare Clinic. It is a large(r) scale prototype for community-driven care: we pick one or few, highly complementary care service, we get a space, some people in need of care and we attempt to actually make it work, building a community around the space and the service it gives. Results from the OpenCare discussion feed into the design and operations of the clinic. Experiential data from the clinic go back into OpenCare, feeding the collective intelligence mechanism. After the testing period we consider if the clinic is viable as its own organization.

@Nadia has introduces this concept in a recent talk in Berlin (see it here). What’s still missing is the call to action to the people in the room. What do we want from them? For example: “would you like to join us in an alliance to build an experimental OpenCare Clinic? What can your organisation so to make this happen?”