Opencare Third Consortium Meeting

The opencare consortium meets in Milano to move the project forward. As always, there will be activities open to the public.

Monday 28th November, from 9.30

Data session: aggregating and exploring ethnographic data with network science (open to the public). We will be using network science techniques to analyze the data from the opencare conversation. Our goal is to find intuitive, yet rigorous ways to synthetize en ethnographic study with hundreds of informants and thousands of contributions. Led by @Amelia , @melancon and @Alberto

One-on-one help sessions on reporting. Not open to the public. Led by @LuceChiodelliUB : reserve a time slot with her to check on your reporting. The two sessions are led in parallel.

Tuesday 29th November 

Open eventread here for the details

Taking care  (in a fluid and connected city). 

How openness and collaboration could redefine and support care activities. A workshop and a presentation

Wednesday 30th November

opencare steering committee. Not open to the public. Partners present to each other their recent findings and plot the ongoing collaboration.

Date: 2016-11-28 10:00:00 - 2016-11-30 17:30:00, Europe/Brussels Time.


Is there any information on where in Milan the meeting is to be held?


As far as I know, it’s WeMake: OpenStreetMap

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two venue


mon 28 : WeMake

tue 29 : Mare Milano

wed 30 : WeMake


@Costantino is there a shareable link for the event of the 29th?