Playful Futures week #5

Hello everyone…week #5 is over and we are ready for some play-test.

If you’re free please join us on Monday Sept 12th at 5pm Berlin time (CEST) for a play-test of “A town by the sea” or Friday Sept 16th for a playtest of “Latest Edition” also at 5pm Berlin time (CEST)

These are the first play-test that we are running of these prototypes so you can expect a lot of confusion, frustration and things that will not work.
Both games are light-RPG/Online LARP also known as LAOG games, so talking and embodying a character is part of the experience.

The play-test will run for 2 hours from 5pm till 7pm, please attend only if you’re able to stay the entire session, also for this one we just need 2 playtester for session so don’t stress to much if you can’t attend since we will host many many more play-test sessions in the future :slight_smile:

A Town by the Sea - Monday Sept 12th 5pm CEST

In ATBTS you will play as the citizens of a small town in the Covenant (more Distrikt will be available in the final version) that is very close to the sea.

Together you will create landmark of your town and see them destroyed by sea level rising. As a community you will be able to savage one landmark every time a wave will hit, but with a cost. It’s a game about community, memories, grief and hope.

Latest Edition - Friday Sept 16th 5pm CEST

In LE you play as a young upcoming reporter from a Distrikt that just started working on a tabloid caller Witness Weekly. This could be the launch of your career as a reporter so you have to manage your frustrations and passions to share the best pitches and stories about your Distrikt.
It’s a game about solutions, gossip and personal growth.

If you want to attend the play-test please write me a DM or comment below and join the Discord Server of Playful Futures here

@awhitney @vidityavoleti @marina @LucijaKla @alberto @ivan @nadia @carolina_carvalho @jolwalton Thanks!

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First of all, hi everyone, hi @matteo_uguzzoni and I wanted to say it’s great to be a part of this project. :slight_smile:
I would like to participate in the playtest on Friday, 16th if possible. As I’m interested in game design myself, I would like to see the process from the earlier stages, whenever possible, hope that is okay. :slight_smile:


Wow, playtesting already! Great news!

I am going to be on the road next week, so I will not attend. But really happy this is comoing together. Also, welcome, @LucijaKla ! I do not believe we have met. I am Alberto, and part of Playful Futures from the Sci-Fi Economics Lab side.

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