Plenary meeting 14 August 2024

Hello @reef-full and @joannes,

We have a plenary meeting scheduled for Wednesday 14 August, but I’m a bit lost about the agenda, so I would like to get your views.

As far as I can see, there are three possible agenda items:

  1. The consolidated version of le programme v3 (see Le programme v3: consolidated for the architects)

  2. The mark-up for new Reeflings

  3. Preparing to consolidate the société simple (Board selection, QMV and a couple of amendments to the statutes if we can get them ready)

Here’s my view on these three items:

  1. With the exception of the order of choosing a unit, everything has already been consented to, so I don’t think this warrants convening a plenary meeting (though happy to get your views)

  2. This can easily be postponed to the next meeting (after the previous discussion I think we are now ready to decide on this in 15 minutes)

  3. We won’t be able to consolidate at this moment, and selecting a Board in the absence of those who are on a holiday without internet access does not seem like a good idea

Hence my question: what do we do? Normally in sociocracy we move forward based on a proposal, but here I would prefer to do a poll to see what everybody thinks:

  • I would prefer that we organise a plenary meeting
  • I don’t have any preference
  • I would prefer to cancel it
  • If we cancel, I would like it if we organise a drink or dinner
  • If we cancel, I would join an NVC practice session if there would be one
0 voters

About the NVC practice session: this would not be a teaching session, more like enjoying a chill summer evening doing some exercises together. These would be more advanced exercises from the courses that I have followed, which should normally lead to nice moments of connection (so not just the typical “guessing needs” exercises). The basic rule of these sessions is always “self care first” (instead of the politeness rule), so if there is an exercise you don’t want to do, then you just don’t do it.

Personally I would like to organise the practice session, because we always say that we are going to do it, and then we rarely do it. It only takes 2-4 people, and it can always be organised in parallel to a social event if that’s what people like.

Hey! I would really love to join in on the other options, because it all sounds really nice, but we’re leaving the next day, and I will probably in panick modr cause thats what I do, do I tgibk I’m happy to get extra time…
But I would really like to have another NVC sess another time though!

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Sorry, I forgot to include the “I can’t make it anyway” option, so if that’s your case (and only then), can you please :heart: this post?


Maybe it’s not plenary material, but I would like to call for a helping circle on the meeting with the neighborhood on 7 September. What happened there is that @reef-external was heavily reliant on three super-active associate members that since have left. Thanks to @joannes and @manuelpueyo the ground work has been done, but we still need a two-weeks push. I myself will be travelling that week.

Hello @reeflings,

With at least six people absent and a very light agenda, I would propose that we cancel the plenary meeting this Wednesday.

I am not feeling very well, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to organise the NVC session, but I hope to organise one soon. If somebody would still be up for organising a social event, please don’t hesitate.


I would want to replace this with a @reef-finance meeting. Openttalk link in the calendar.


Fine by me, talk tomorrow.

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That also works for me (and would be a good moment for me to get engaged in Team Finance).


Hi @alberto, can you tell me where I can find the link?

It is in the calendar on Nextcloud (internal link).