Le programme v3: consolidated for the architects

Hello @reef-full and @joannes ,

I have created a document for the architects that consolidates all the proposals we have consented to (common spaces, elevators, bike spaces etc). It has the same content as all the documents we created, just summarised to the essentials, and with a bit of explanations for the architects where needed.

It is saved in the proposals folder: Login – Nextcloud

There are two things I filled in myself, on the priority of choosing an apartment, so this will require your consent. What I did is go for the easy option, i.e. that my father and Oaktree should not stand in the way of anybody’s wishes. I highligted the text in yellow. Please feel free to comment or suggest changes.

Another point of attention is your individual programmes. I will close the file on 15 August in the morning, so if you still want to make any changes, please do it before than.

@reef-building, is there anything I missed? If yes, please feel free to add it.


Hi there!

Thanks for doing this!

Very sorry for coming in a bit late on this.

For the Reef only space, I thought we were going to leave it a bit more open than that? Saying there is a slight majority for Obélix, but that we have trouble making a final decision and would like to hear theit thoughts on it?
Equally happy for it to stay the same, just not sure it captures enough the conclusion of that discussion as regards the fact that there was no full consent in the end…
And as I said, it’s probably a bit too late as not everybody might have time to see my post before you send it… So feel very free to ignore me!

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It’s not how I understood the conclusions of our discussion, but this is indeed what it says in the minutes. This should teach us once more to check in on what exactly we are consenting to before moving on to the next topic.

That said, both @mieke and myself have regrets for not expressing our preference for Asterix a bit more, so let me see how I can slightly change the wording.

Another topic is what you brought up bilatterly, on the fact that only having 25% of the bike spaces directly accessible (i.e. about 17, or less than one bike per unit) is probably sub-optimal, so I propose we flag this to the architects and ask them to find a solution based on their experience and expertise.

Other than that, with almost everybody from Team Building being absent, I am now going to close the Google survey and send the document to the architects, and I propose that @Sophie_B and @joannes touch base with them at the beginning of next week to see whether any clarification is needed and when we could set up a meeting to discuss the first results. Would that work?


@reef-building I have also taken the liberty to move all the older versions of le programme to my personal Nextcloud, because people who are no longer in The Reef deserve for their data to be private (GDPR).

@Sophie_B would you be willing to make a note in the decision log? I would only put an internal link though, as some of the content is private. TIA!


Will send an email tomorrow!

Will do :slight_smile: thanks for the reminder.

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thanks lee for the consolidation.
one remark, but too late to add it in the doc now.
Concerning the guest room: it wasn’t my understanding that we decided that this was going to be part of the ‘reef only space’ of 40 m2 , thus only leaving 25 à 20 m2 over for reef-only living room and small kitchen/bar.

but don’t know if this remark has big impact as we are going for the minimalistic approach and - i guess- first see how we use the spaces before putting in (not carrying ) walls.

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