We have a plenary meeting scheduled on Saturday morning.
Based on informal chats I had today, the idea would be open it up to @reef-associate (it was initially scheduled as FM only), and to aspire to opening up all meetings unless there is a need to talk about one or the other confidential topic.
Also based on informal chats, for the agenda the idea would be to make space for a long discussion about where to put the common spaces. Even if there is no immediate urgency, the reasoning is that it doesn’t hurt to make space for it.
@reef-finance, would you possibly have a topic ready to add to the list?
As for the logistics, you are welcome at my place, but if someone wants to offer their place that’s of course always welcome.
@Lee Hi Lee (and other people following the topic), we leave on Saturday morning for one week of holidays so we won’t be able to join.
Have a good meeting you all !
Hi everyone, I’m afraid it will be really hard for us to make it to this meeting, since it was not scheduled and so many family things going on in the first weekend of Autumn break…
I have prepared the draft agenda to my best ability. The two topics would be 1) a debrief from the architects’ meeting on Monday and a summary of the next steps, and 2) a discussion on where to put the common spaces.
At the previous plenary we said that at the next one we would consent to the sketch to be sent to the commune, but my understanding from last Monday’s meeting is that it’s really just a sketch, and that none of the points we are discussing (Maxi vs Mini, where to put the commons, slanted roofs etc) is of any relevance for the commune. I have posted my key take-away in the post on the sketch itself: Presentation of first sketch by the architects - #25 by Lee.
My proposal would thus be to give the floor to Team Building for a more extensive debrief, and then to consent to the question of the next steps, which I anticipate will be “get a revised sketch with the right number of studios and give Team Building team autonomy to confirm that this can go to the commune”.
If anybody would like to table another topic, please feel free to come forward, because we should have plenty of time.
As for the venue, I would propose we go to Joannes’ place for a change. I’d be curious to know though whether I am the only one missing the “circle” feeling there, and if not, whether we can look for an alternative set-up? Just a thought of course.