I prepared a draft agenda for the next two plenary meetings to best of my ability, based mostly on what makes sense and what we had already agreed at the last Team Coordination meeting. Any changes are of course possible - please feel free to give me a sign.
At each of the plenaries there is an item that would require attendance of a good critical mass: in the one of 22/08 it’s my performance review, which needs a good number of old members to make sense, and in the one of 06/09 it’s a Q&A with the coach, which is foreseen mostly for our new members. Can you please fill in the polls below so I can see whether we can go ahead or not?
Other than that all the other items are about scouting and the société simple: @reef-building and @reef-finance, can you please have a look to see whether the planning is ok with you?
Some further requests and public service announcements:
Plenary meeting of 22/08: would anybody be willing to host us? (otherwise we can always do it at my place of course)
Training Day poll: if you haven’t done so, can you please fill in the poll to schedule the Traning Day? Training day - #8 by Lee Just a small note: this training day is rather important to us, because it helps us work together more smoothly. It’s quite time-intensive and difficult to plan, so I’d be grateful if you could put in all your possible availabilities, including dates that are not convenient for you but which would be possible with a bit of nuisance.
Would anybody be willing to organise a small social event during the weekend of 2 September? I figure this would be a nice moment to get together after the summer break. (I’d do it myself, but I won’t be there)
As for the social event, shall we keep it simple and go to a bar? If you guys like board games (which is an excellent way to get to know people in my opinion ) we can try the ‘Le Bar à Jeux’ close to Albert and Saint Gilles?
@Sophie_B: ok for you to hold the meeting at Dave’s work place?
@Dave_Starhawk and @Janet: would you be willing to organise something together? It can be something super simple of course. All we would need is a time and a place, a short post on Edgeryders and an event on the Nextcloud calendar.
At the next plenary we will have a Q&A session with our coach, Mark. You can of course make up your questions on the spot, but he kindly asked nevertheless to send him a list (if possible) prior to the meeting. So if you have any questions that come to mind, can you please add them to our agenda document? This is the link: https://c301.nl.tabdigital.eu/f/51325
@ChrisM: as I will only be back on the 4th of September and I may need a day to get back on my feet, could you please take care of sending him the list?
@alberto and @MariaAM: thanks a lot for taking notes. Could you please add them to our common agenda document? TIA!
A reminder that our coach Mark will be joining us at the plenary on Wednesday, for a Q&A session. If you already have particular questions in mind, feel free to add them to the list below the agenda: https://c301.nl.tabdigital.eu/f/51325
I will be sending Mark the list on Tuesday.
The agenda items for the second half of the plenary meeting will have the relevant links added in the coming days…
An update to the agenda for tomorrow’s plenary. As planned, our coach Mark will be joining us for the first part, to answer the questions that you’ve all put on the list, and any others that come up during the process.
Initially Mark was going to stay on for the second half, to give us feedback on our decision-making process regarding the items on the agenda for that part. However, as most of those items have moved to a future date, that won’t be the case. Instead, the three items on the agenda for the second part will be :
1/ Scouting review
2/ Facilitation review (in the same way that we did the Coordination review last time)
3/ Buddy system review (if we have time)