Training day

Hi @manuelpueyo, that’ s a great idea!

We quickly discussed the training day at the Team Recruitment & Onboarding meeting, and one thing that came to the fore was that we would like to keep at least two sessions to be organised by ourselves, to facilitate the onboarding: one on The Reef’s governance and working methods, and another one on the very key concepts of NVC. But having an external trainer is of course a great addition!

For the moment the organisation of the training day is suspended, but we hope to pick it up again shortly. Once we do, the person who will be organising it will get in touch.


Dear associate members @anon78992831 (and Aline) @Julien @RyanB @Lea @Adriana @Janet @Victor @Marc_O (and Ana),
I would like to refer to the first post of @Lee above. Team Recruitment & Onboarding would like to organize a training day in the near future, where we could do activities about sociocracy and nonviolent communication.

It would be from 10 am until 5 pm, with a lot of time for a potluck lunch in between.

Can you please let us know in the poll below when you would be able to join?

Thanks a lot!

PS The training day is off course open to all @reeflings

Training day
  • 6 August
  • 12 August
  • 15 August
  • 27 August

0 voters


Dear @reeflings, thank you for voting. The training day will take place on 12 August. Location TBC later on. Please mark it in your agendas :slight_smile: See you then!


Hello @reeflings,

Just a quick reminder that the Training Day will take place this Saturday. I propose that we’ll do two short sessions in the morning, on governance and on working methods, followed by a long lunch break. After lunch we can then do an introductory session on nonviolent communication.

To be maximally prepared it would be great if you could read the Onboarding Manual before joining, or if you already did, to quickly go through it.

Here are some practical details:

  • Venue: my place (address in the calendar)

  • Doors open: 9:45; start of the meeting: 10:15 sharp

  • Lunch: I propose that we make a kitty and do some grocery shopping to get us all the food that we need:

    • Please indicate in the poll below whether you would like to eat with us or not

    • Would anybody be willing to take care of the shopping? We would need some snacks and something for lunch (baguettes, cheese, humus and tomatoes would be plentifyl). Coffee, tea, beers and juice I have plenty.

Lunch during the Training Day
  • Yes, please count me in
  • I’ll be joining, but no need for lunch
0 voters

Ow I completely forgot this training and planned a weekend away, I’m so sorry :expressionless:

Oki, no worries. Shit happens.

Sadly that makes that there would only be four out of eleven of the newlings, which is not enough for me to invest a full day, so I would propose that we look for another day, hoping that more people would be able to make it.

Just for the sake of clarity: this training day on governance, working methods and nonviolent communication is very important to us, because it makes working together so much easier. Ideally it would be great if every adult Reefling who would like to become a Full Member would attend a training day at least once (if not this one, then hopefully the next one).

So here’s a new poll to find a new date. @reeflings, could you please fill it in as soon as possible?

New date for the training day
  • Saturday 9 September
  • Sunday 10 September
  • Saturday 16 September
  • Sunday 17 September
  • Saturday 23 September
  • Sunday 24 September
  • I can’t make any of these dates

0 voters


Just a note that since the poll started, Sarah has posted about a possible weekend of cohousing visits 23-24 September: Cohousing visits in Lille 23-24/09

Not sure if this will significantly impact the calculations…


Hi @reeflings !

Our ongoing quest to provide a sociocracy training and a non-violent communication training continues! As will be clear by now, these are considered to be an essential part of the onboarding process, as each of these frameworks for working together in a collaborative group is a cornerstone of our project.

Trying to find a full day to do both together has proven to be overly ambitious. So the aim is to find an evening or a half-day on the weekend to do them separately. In an ideal world, all current @reef-associate members will have done both trainings before we start to organise them for the next wave (following last night’s presentation).

So here’s the new poll:

Training availability
  • Monday 18 September (evening)
  • Tuesday 19 September (evening)
  • Wednesday 20 September (evening)
  • Thursday 21 September (evening)
  • Saturday 23 September (morning)
  • Saturday 23 September (afternoon)
  • Sunday 24 September (morning)
  • Sunday 24 September (afternoon)
  • Monday 25 September (evening)
  • Wednesday 27 September (evening)
  • Saturday 30 September (morning)
  • Saturday 30 September (afternoon)
  • Tuesday 10 October (evening)
  • Wednesday 11 October (evening)
  • Thursday 12 October (evening)
  • Saturday 14 October (morning)
  • Saturday 14 October (afternoon)
  • Sunday 15 October (afternoon)

0 voters

Note that the final Sunday afternoon option would take place after our trial Sunday morning plenary.

Could everyone who hasn’t yet participated in these training sessions please fill in the poll in the near future. Thanks!



Thanks @ChrisM for setting this up! I filled in all possible slots that I could make it, but if possible I’d like to get a confirmation soon, as my mother has asked to spend some quality time at the coast between 21 and 26 September. It would be 2 days only, but I need to tell her when exactly.

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@ChrisM, can we maybe conclude on the date, and then possibly also invite the new Reeflings?

I’ll do that tomorrow :slight_smile:

Hi everyone !

We finally have some dates to do a couple of long overdue training sessions!

The first session will take place on the evening of 11 October (Wednesday), venue to be confirmed. For those interested, we could do a pot luck dinner beforehand.

The second session will take place on the afternoon of 15 October (after the Sunday morning plenary). We can organise a group lunch in between the two.

Pinging @mieke, @Adriana, @Lea, @RyanB, @Sophie_B, @Janet, @Victor, @Aline_Jeandenans, @anon78992831 and @Marc_O to save the dates.

Hopefully we will have a few Exploring Members join us as well.

@Lee - I was thinking sociocracy for the first one and NVC for the second, but maybe you prefer to do it the other way round.

@reef-logistics - the Wednesday evening can be at someone’s house, but maybe we could book the room in Forest for the whole day on Sunday…

(There will be two more sessions planned after the 15th, for those who miss out on one or both of these dates. I will create a new poll for that once the Exploring Members who wish to take the next step have joined Edgeryders.)



I will be there on the 11th but cannot attend the session on the 15th.

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I can host about 20 people, so if it stays below that we can do it at my place if needed.

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One of us will come on the 11th and we can come with our daughter together on the 15th.


Difficult for us this day but will try

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I will be there both and Victor might join 15 of Oct. :slight_smile:

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Hi Chris,

Txs for organising! I am available the 11th, but not the 22nd as indicated before (family visit).


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Hi, I’ve just received my timetable and I will finish at 9pm on 11/10. Can’t make it this time, sorry !

Hi! I have to cancel my attendance tomorrow as I’ve just been told I have to stay at work until 8:30pm. Sorry !