POPREBEL Ethnography Code Review Thread

Hey everyone I will be late to the meeting today, I lost my phone and have to go retrieve it


@Nica we ran out of updates that we could discuss without you. Everyone’s logged off, but we can easily get back on the call when you are ready (within reason). So just give us a sign!

I am here!

Ok, logging back in and calling @rebelethno to do the same.

Here’s a sneak peek of the CCN of the interviews in German (blue) and Czech (red). It’s only a test run to test the code and visualizations that might speak to you all.


What you are looking at: the network of all co-occurrences with association depth d >= 2 in the German and Czech corpus. The maximum value of d in the German corpus is 39; in the Czech corpus it is 68. Blue and red nodes represent codes that are present, respectively, in the German corpus but not in the Czech one, and vice versa. Gray nodes represent codes that are present in both corpora. These are a minority: in the unreduced CCN there are 695 blue nodes, 317 red ones and 212 gray ones.

In the reduced one (d >= 2), there are 473 German-only codes, 175 Czech-only codes, and 155 shared codes. The lists of codes are below. Some codes show as empty strings (''): these are codes for which no Englis label exists, only a German or Czech one.

German-only codes

'police', 'Banks', 'after COVID', 'working remotely', 'lack of support', 'Unvaccinated', 'respect', 'Vaccinated', 'truth', 'scientific explanation', 'sharing information', 'Prejudice', 'brainwashing', '', 'blame game', '', 'Germany', 'compulsory vaccinations', 'negative attitude', '', 'demonstration', 'apathy', 'distrust', '"power struggle"', 'institutional response', '', '', 'government', 'face mask', 'Sputnik', 'support', 'hospital', 'change over time', 'illness', '', '', 'coping with death', 'death', 'restaurants', 'football', 'AfD', 'penalization for non-vaccination', '', 'demanding collective decision making', 'policy-making', '', 'Die Linke', 'elite', '', 'decision-making', 'societal control', '', '', 'lack of funding', 'experts', '', 'seeking expertise', 'pro-government media', 'critical thinking', 'imagining alternatives', 'media representation', 'anti-vaxx', '', 'negative consequences', 'children development', 'homeschooling', 'feeling restricted', '*lack of agency', 'parent-school relations', 'children', 'shops', 'Vladimir Putin', '', 'Assad', '', 'syria', 'embargo', '', 'USA', 'Afghanistan', '', '', 'Annalena Baerbock', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'barriers to change', 'escalation', '', '*protest', 'critical mass', 'constitution', 'environmentalism', 'empathy', 'traditional values', '', 'analogy', 'nazism', '', '', '', 'secondary education', 'dependence', 'state apparatus', 'dependence on institutions', 'pandemic', '', "'community'", 'helping others', 'solidarity', 'supporting peer-to-peer', 'party politics', 'decent people', 'Enforce compliance', '', '', 'anti-capitalism', 'imagining the future', 'Economic collapse', '', 'distraction', 'dictatorship', '', 'Democracy', 'bird flu', '', '', '', '9/11', 'banking system', 'inflation', 'product of political-economic system', 'economic power', '', '', 'anti-American', 'capitalism', 'employer', 'normality', 'internet users', '', '', '"home"', '', '', 'deescalation', '', 'questioning statistics', '', '', '', 'local politics', 'conflict', '', 'close to the people', '', 'social good', 'apoliticism', 'centralisation of power', '', '', '', 'trust in politicans', 'Alice Weidel', '', 'democrats', 'left wing', '', '', 'Bosnia', 'Black widow', 'betray', 'inequality', 'need for explanation', 'Leipzig', 'base instincts', '', '', 'society', 'jealousy', '', 'Division', 'race', '', 'religion', '', 'hierarchy', 'competitiveness', 'hate', 'stress', 'enmity', 'equality', '2G', '', '', '', '', '3G', 'constitutional court', 'Business', 'public transport', '', 'Small businesses', '', "'right wing'", '', 'Delusion', '', '', '', '', '', 'Querdenker', '', 'closed borders', 'depression', 'emigrate', 'alleviating polarisation', '', 'Green Party', 'anger', 'Sweden', '', '', '', '', 'excessive', 'helplessness', '', 'special needs', '', 'Catholic Church', 'retraditionalisation', 'remote learning', 'childcare', 'digitisation', 'unemployment', 'positive change', '', 'emotionally difficult', '*injustice', 'freedom', '*frustration', 'civil rights', 'fighting discrimination', 'surviving', '', '', 'unpreparedness', 'ignoring rules', "'new normal'", '', 'Lockdown fatigue', 'lack of clear guidance', 'feeling supported', 'relieving stress', '', '', 'disappearance of social relations', 'adapting to new situation', 'gender', '', 'disappointment', '', '', 'improving technologies', 'miscommunication', '', 'unexpected circumstances', '', '', '', 'employment', 'online learning', '', '', '', 'sense of agency', 'hope', 'learning new things', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'attractive for freelancers', 'eco-friendly', 'running workshops', 'office space', 'moving to the country', 'dancing', 'business location', 'freedoms', 'cosmopolitan', 'liberalism', 'social development', 'social life', 'more contact with friends', 'more active life', 'personal contact', 'lack of contact', 'state support', 'adjusting work situation', 'friends', '', '"hard to plan ahead"', '', 'transparency', 'healthcare systemic change', 'Financial gain', 'lift lockdown', 'self-determination', '', 'hygiene', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'politics', '', 'family influence', '', 'anti-communism', '', '', '', 'state measure', '', '', '', 'autonomy', '', '', 'men', 'social sensitivity', 'openness', 'women', 'resilience', 'worry', '', '', 'bad decisions', 'government decisions', 'patience', 'science', '', '', 'chaos', 'mindfulness', '', '', '', '', 'democratic process', '', '', '', '', 'confusion', 'economic problems', '', 'political revengism', '', '', 'identity', 'internal change', 'external change', 'dealing with sexism', 'academia', 'sexism', 'patriarchy', 'benefits of childlessness', 'double standards', 'parenting', 'unfair', 'personal change', 'toxic masculinity', '', 'freelance work', 'EU response', 'delayed response', 'intensification of problems', 'winter', 'musician', 'sceptical', 'continuing an action', 'Christmas', '', '', 'broken promises', 'disadvantaged', 'disabled', 'Ignoring problems', '', 'Accustomed to COVID life', 'excluded', '', '', 'ambivalence', 'fatherhood', 'traditional family', 'breadwinner', 'unacceptable', 'management position', 'motherhood', '', 'gender norms', 'returning to work', 'daycare', 'guilt', 'reprioritising', '', 'single parents', '', 'alternative family model', 'blame', 'bad advice', 'rhetoric', '', '', 'legal residency', 'legal process', '', 'self-reflection', "'time for oneself'", 'coping strategies', 'know-how', 'disinfecting something', 'inter-personal stress', 'flexibility', 'high expectations', 'working patterns', 'UK', 'self-confidence', 'benefit of being only woman', 'acceptance', 'gratitude', 'bucket list', 'not taking things for granted', 'taking things for granted', 'extreme situation', 'young people', 'meeting friends', 'real life', 'back to normal', 'meeting new people', '*friendship', 'daily routine', 'envy', 'working model', 'internalising opinions', 'changing attitudes', 'practicing self-care', 'personal projects', 'taking a holiday', 'recovering', 'drawing the line', 'excessive demands', 'co-working', "expanding one's business", 'planning events', 'offering advice'

Czech-only codes
'drastic measures', '', 'Ivan Barto\xc5\xa1', 'Hungarians', '', 'GENsexism', 'Czechs', 'islamophobia', 'MIGinmigra', 'ANO', 'populism', '\xc4\x8cSSD', 'Civic democratic party', 'EDinequality', 'racism', 'Roma', 'Hunaffordpub', '', 'mortality rates', '', 'sanitary-epidemiological station', '', 'Anxiety', 'public parks', 'civil disobedience', 'Tomio Okamura', 'grassroots movement', 'Voln\xc3\xbd blok', '"Chc\xc3\xadpl pes"', 'POLcenper', 'CULdisorient', 'Facebook', 'vaccine injury', 'Slovakia', 'CULman', 'respirators', 'political activism', '', 'catching-up', 'online platforms', 'Bill Gates', 'alt media', 'Lenka Tarabov\xc3\xa1', 'fact checking', 'hate', 'post-socialist transformation', '', 'national sovereignity', 'Epoverty', '', 'Lubom\xc3\xadr Voln\xc3\xbd', 'environmentalism', 'China', 'Andrej Babi\xc5\xa1', 'demonstrating care for others', 'socio-cultural liberalism', 'Protests', 'Jana Bobo\xc5\xa1\xc3\xadkov\xc3\xa1', 'Jana Volfov\xc3\xa1', 'V\xc3\xa1clav Havel', 'women', 'radical right', 'facebook', 'NGOs', '', 'intergenerational change', 'Hana Lipovsk\xc3\xa1', 'public media', 'Lubo\xc5\xa1 Xaver Vesel\xc3\xbd', 'Hungary', 'Viktor Orban', 'challenging traditional gender roles', 'Poland', 'homophobia', 'tolerance', 'traditional values', 'equal marriage', 'the West', 'HSaccess', 'Pirate party', 'political choice right', 'extreme right', 'globalization', 'USA', 'China', 'GLOBneocol', 'Armed forces', 'EWEUcrisis', 'EUintegration', 'conservatism', 'strictness', 'vigilantism', 'Europe', 'Czech Republic', 'homeland', 'national history', 'international collaboration', 'the East', 'SArape', 'catholicism', 'hopelessness', 'national custom', 'Integrated Emergency Management System', 'Roman Prymula', 'volunteering', 'Robert \xc5\xa0lachta', 'TOP09', 'YouTube', '', 'civil rights', '', '', 'liberalism', 'gender role models', 'kindness', 'fighting discrimination', '1968 Invasion', 'dislike', 'multiculturality', 'BLM', 'young generation', 'stability', 'political choice left', 'entrepreneurial populism', 'covid isolation', 'challenging stereotypes', 'social democracy', 'A2larm', 'USSR', 'political choice right', 'ethnic and religious minorities', 'POLculid', '', 'socialism', 'Milo\xc5\xa1 Zeman', 'deregulation', 'SAprost', 'enculturation', 'online platforms', 'Fact Checking', '', 'PSYerratic', 'politicisation', 'Joe Biden', 'euroscepticism', 'Sebastian Kurtz', 'Boris Johnson', 'EU', 'Politicians', 'moral integrity', 'Americans', 'Russians', '', "'drastic measures'", 'online teaching', 'healthcare accessibility', 'high quality', 'sense of threat', 'public interest', '', '*misunderstanding (culture or value based)', 'anti-vaxxers', 'crisis', 'young generation', 'retired people', '', 'high school graduation', '', '', '', 'online sphere', '', 'information flow', 'meeting new people', 'Work experience abroad'
Shared codes
'vaccinations', 'meeting friends', 'free time activities', 'working patterns', 'upside of COVID', 'freedom of choice', 'social isolation', '*psychological well-being', 'impact of COVID', 'IHgenhealth', 'conspiracy theories', 'CULcensorship', 'social media', 'anti-vaxxers', 'Media', '*fear', 'polarisation', 'impact of COVID-19', 'Ecorrupt', 'elections', 'public healthcare system', '', 'children', 'protests', 'Political change', 'mistrust', 'political choice nobody', 'populist politicians', 'Non-populist politicians', 'financial interests', 'staying at home', 'interacting with family', 'aftermath of the pandemic', '', 'pro-vaccine', 'SPD', 'democracy', 'seeking civilised debate', '', 'HSalternative', 'pro-government media', 'lockdown', 'home office', 'social distancing', 'ignoring rules', 'economy', 'travel restriction', 'war', 'dystopia', 'EU', 'NATO', 'Russia', 'euroscepticism', 'change', 'anger', 'xenophobia', 'gender norms', 'conforming to tradition', 'education system', 'virus testing', 'CULaccess', '', 'public pressure', 'communism', '*gender equity', 'caring about future generations', 'Fear', 'Instagram', '', 'infection rate', 'Donald Trump', 'CULdisorient', 'apolitical', 'opposition', 'voting', 'Angela Merkel', 'anti-COVID measures', 'responsibility', 'nationalism', 'freedom of speech', 'Germany', 'satisfaction', 'enforcing rules', 'Israel', 'SIincompetence', '', '', 'social isolation', 'SAsupdef', 'GENinequality', '', 'Ehightax', '*healthcare system', 'lack of vaccinations', 'SIbureaucratization', 'Hunafford', 'partnerships', 'PECPindebt', 'lack of agreement', 'uncertainty', 'stress', 'Remote Work', '', 'institutional failure', 'bad strategy', 'lack of discipline', 'PECPfinins', 'POLsoceco', 'Impact of COVID-19', 'LAworkshort', '', '', '', 'IHphysical', '', 'Ecrisis', 'fear', 'New routine', 'travelling', 'family structures', 'EDnescience', 'information overflow fatigue', 'italy', 'migration', 'confusing measures', 'Hope', 'frustration', 'racism', 'socialisation', 'gender role models', 'Z COVID-19 - Category (COPY)', 'Z COVID-19 - Category', 'Mutation', 'schools', 'older people', '', 'employer', '', 'sharing information', 'CULman', '', 'relaxing of measures', 'conspiracy theories', 'POLpol', 'Staying at home', 'dating (romantic)', '', "'follow your own path'", 'covid conflict', 'going for a drink', 'time-management', 'SAgendiv', 'doing sport', 'Social distancing', 'labour

Quick question. I logged in with a fake ID for a Polish newspaper and then logged out. Whrn I tried to log in with my own ID, it automatically logs in as the Polish newspaper. How can I enter my own ID? (I’ve had to enter this message from my ipad, not my PC.)

Try deleting cookies from edgeryders.eu.

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I am opening edgeryders with my personal login via Chrome. The fake profiles I am entering via different browser (Firefox or MS Edge). There is a possibility to use (any?) browser in discrete or anonymous mode which will not remember the logins, but I haven’t used that yet.

Thanks! I’ll do that from now on. :slight_smile:

@SZdenek: Can you remind me how to add new Discourse tags?

Hi Richard,
You just type the new discourse tag and it should add and save automatically.

Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 10.36.33

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Do I have to type that from my account or from the fake contributor’s account?

hmm good question, i think better maybe from yours? thats what ive always done, but theoretically it shouldnt matter.

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Thanks, Jitka!

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Indeed, it does not.

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Hello @Jan, @Richard and all. I am unable to attend Friday’s ethnographers meeting because of family stuff. Will try to upload a better version of my preliminary analysis before your meeting, i.e. tomorrow.

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Hi guys. I’m en route and will be on the motorway at the time of the meeting. Coding is in progress and should be done, to my mind, by next Friday.
Write me if you need anything.

Not feeling great, so I won’t make the meeting either. Homework progressing.

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@rebelethno Are we meeting today and where? Jan’s zoom or Edgeryder’s, that one from Alberto? … But Alberto, Wojt and Richard won’t make it.