POPREBEL Ethnography Code Review Thread

Hi @rebelethno are we meeting today?

Same question here - I think there might be some holidays and other engagements going on for the most of the team

I’m around.

We are! BUt I am looking for that link, of course…

do we have the link?

yes – at the link in the Homework thread (or ethn code review thread)

@jitka.kralova @Maniamana @Jirka_Kocian Are you guys coming?

Are you guys coming? Anybody?

@rebelethno Dear all,

    I have numbered and named all the pictures and tabs - the list is here. After texting with Nica, all visualisations are called “Figure”. I have marked them blue. Please check in your texts that you are referring to the proper numbered figure and not to “visualisation 3” or something. I have tried to find and correct that but I am not sure I have found everything. Regarding the Czech and German names of the figures, I had to come up with few names of the figure, therefore I am asking @Richard or @Djan and @Jirka_Kocian if it is OK. In the Czech and German case some descriptions of visualisations should be incorpoated in the text somehow. I have marked it yellow, can you check it?

    In the bibliography you can find yellow places which mean that something is missing. I have tried to find some of the sources, but have not done everything yet. Can you maybe check the bibliography and solve it. You might have the full biblio somewhere close at hand.

    I have put formatting according to the template. Please stick to Calibri 11 for the text, and 11 or 12 for the titles. And 1,15 line-spacing.
    Also, we are putting one line space between the paragraphs. No automatic half-line space after a paragraph. And no left indentation at the first line of the paragraph. Is that correct @Jan and @Nica? If so, I will check also for that (e.g. the German part has slightly different formatting.)

Nice holidays to everyone!


Yes. Many, many thanks @SZdenek

Thank you so much @SZdenek !

Question for @rebelethno – in what year (and ideally month) did the first phase of the project start (so, the platform phase)? There is a placeholder that needs to be filled with that date in the draft in section 1.2.1 (page 11) that people keep tagging and re-tagging other people on, so if someone can please just tell me the date, I will put it in. @Jirka_Kocian ? @alberto ?

@SZdenek and everyone, a formatting question – are we using single quotes or double quotes? Single quotes, right? Because right now it’s a mix of both in the document.

@alberto @Nica @Richard @Jirka_Kocian @jitka.kralova @Wojt @Maniamana @Djan @SZdenek

Nica and I went through the whole document today. Quite clearly we can see the end of this mammoth project, but we still have some loose ends. Below I am listing all the outstanding tasks and required fixes. They are ordered by names for easy reference.

Please respond in the text ASAP.

Jan and Nica

  1. Page 7: executive summary (diest draft: Nica)
  2. Page 8: iIntroduction (first draft: Jan, use some text from the initial proposal)


  1. Page 98: sort out the issue of trust in local government
  2. Page 125: 1-2 references on emotions and populism


  1. Review the titles of figures
  2. Page 49: should we note the difference between Graphryder and Tulip visualizations?

Richard (and Djan)

  1. A comment on the relationship between the two concepts: retraditionalization and neo-traditionalism. Perhaps a footnote the first time the former appears in the text?
  2. Spelling of retraditionalization? Should it be with “s”? We are using British English, but my system rejects this spelling.
  3. Page 136: a query from me. Should we do this?
  4. Page 140: something is missing, as per Zdenek’s query
  5. Page 142: something is off
  6. Page 146: Nica and I were not sure where the summary bullet points for Germany start. Please double-check this location.


  1. Page 90: remove the topic of postcommunist electoral enthusiasm (that does not seem to exist…)
  2. Page 92: I suppose this needs to be non-established parties, no?
  3. Page 93: quote from Pavlina
  4. Page 98: sort out the comments on local politics
  5. Remove “I” from the ethnographic parts. It is “we” as we have several co-authors.


  1. Pages 37-40: double-check the references and enter them in the bibliography (Missing possibly elsewhere)
  2. Page 70: Antoni and Simmel - a clash?


  1. Page 12: the dates of the three phases of the project
  2. Page 20: respond to Jitka’s query and resolve
  3. Page 94: comment form Zdenek
  4. Page 95: need to clarify the significance of that observation about low b. It now says b is equal or larger than 2, but what is its maximal level after which ‘protest’ disappears? Why do we show this minimum?
  5. Page 98: coordinate with Jitka the issue of local government
  6. Pages 118-19: respond to Zdenek’s query (in yellow)
  7. Page 20: respond to Jitka and me: see the query


  1. Titles of figures follow figures.
  2. Stabilize figures and center them,


  1. Page 12: the dates of the three phases of the project

I’m done. I also renumbered figures. As for the difference, it turns out there is none (but a few of the Graphryders visualizations were not reproducible with the current data).


@alberto @Nica Alberto: super. Many thanks. I am also done with inserting visualisations. My plan is to read through the Czech case now and draft the remaining final conclusions. This is really not bad! The idea with gendering edges was brilliant. Revealed a lot.

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From Richard (and Djan)

  1. A comment on the relationship between the two concepts: retraditionalization and neo-traditionalism. Perhaps a footnote the first time the former appears in the text? Added at the bottom of p. 138. Please check that it makes sense.
  2. Spelling of retraditionalization? Should it be with “s”? We are using British English, but my system rejects this spelling. Yes, we’ve been using UK spelling.
  3. Page 136: a query from me. Should we do this? I’m happy with the way it’s phrased.
  4. Page 140: something is missing, as per Zdenek’s query. Done
  5. Page 142: something is off. Sorted.
  6. Page 146: Nica and I were not sure where the summary bullet points for Germany start. Please double-check this location. Corrected.

@Richard and @Nica Page 138 - perfect sense.

@Jan I am working on the executive summary draft now. I also tagged you in the section I drafted to precede/frame the policy recommendations chart. Did you have a chance to look?

On it now.