POPREBEL Ethnography Code Review Thread

@Nica Done. Well done. I reviewed the whole table and edited it a bit more. That section is finished!

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great! Were you able to get in touch with @Jirka_Kocian ?

Not yet. WIll send an email. He has not reposnded to the message on the platform. I am slowly adirting Jitka’s text. Please do not accept these edits yet. I want Jitka to see them.

This is for myself, @Jan and @SZdenek – I see that for most of the bibliography, locations of presses are missing for some books/volumes, I am going to go through and insert them but for people adding more, please make sure you have Location: Press Name

I am also done! Although I was hesitant at first, there are some interesting gender dynamics that we could not be able to see without visualizations!

I drafted the executive summary. @alberto @Jan and @Richard can you please take a look?

@Nica @alberto @Richard Great! I started reading it - looks super. Will be done later - need to go out for a moment (dog et al). I am basically done with the conclusions. One more point is being ccoked in my subconsciousness (on the EU). I had a review session with Jirka - she is finishing reviewing the results of my review. Jirka, contacted by Jitka, is supposed to get in touch with me later today.

Great, @Jan

I am going through the bibliography. The formatting is still kind of all over the place in terms of capitalization, pagination, etc.

Question for @Jan and @SZdenek – why are there DOI citations attached to some journal articles in the bibliography? They are redundant – I don’t think we need them unless we are dealing with something that is an “online first” recent publication. Am I missing something or should they all be removed?

I do not have strong opinion on having or not having DOI there. It is probably our decision. The deliverable is only a report not an academic article. In academic articles they want DOIs always when there is one. When I was checking the sources I have usually copeid also the DOI numbers. From my point of view, you do whatever you feel is appropriate. The main thing is, it should be systematic, everywhere.

@Nica and @SZdenek @alberto Let’s get rid of DOIs, unless these are only inline publications.


  • I finished the Intro, suing the text from the grant prposal, but reworked (@alberto - your insepection is desired)
  • I had Jitka contact Jirka (we need some decisions form him). Still waiting.
  • Jitka finished reviewing and accepting my edits in “her” section
  • I need to compose one more point for the conclusions (on the EU) and I am done with “big” jobs
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@SZdenek As I wrote in the text: Zdenek: A period or comma after the title of the article and before the title of the journal? We have both.

All titles of the publication(s) end with a period now.

I got rid of DOIs, unless they were the only orientation info to the source.

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@SZdenek @Nica @alberto @Maniamana @jitka.kralova @Jirka_Kocian @Richard @Djan @Wojt

Dear All,

I AM DONE (at least for now)!

There are still some small tasks to complete. I went through the tables to number 8. Someone needs to go over them and make sure the numbering is correct.

Please everybody: read carefully our conclusions (there are 8) and if you have any comments, register them ASAP.

Add words to the “Key words” and acronyms to the table on page 6.

Quotation marks: we should try to make them uniform, single (common in British English) or double. See below:

I got rid of the heading/section on progress or whatever its name was - kind of artificial and silly.

The Bibliography (impressive!) seems to be very clean. Thanks you Zdenek.

Let me know if you need me. I have to start grading the essyas of my undergraduates. That needs to be done by January 2. On the third (Tuesday) in the evening I am flying to London and will work from there.




PS Quotation marks

British English uses single quotation marks to indicate quotations or dialogue.

  • The UWSC says, ‘This is how British people do it.’

When there is a quotation inside the quotation, British English uses double quotation marks for the nested quotation.

  • The UWSC says, ‘This is how British people, as they say, “do it”.’

American English flips that method, and uses double quotation marks to indicate quotations or dialogue, and single quotation marks for nested quotations.

  • The UWSC says, “This is how American people, as they say, ‘do it.’”
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@Jan well done!

I implore you: upload the document as is. You can re-upload, as long as the deadline is not past. If there is an informatic glitch to the Commission portal on the last day, we are toast. Let me know if you need help.

Three sources that are in the footnote about Durkheim are missing in the bibliography. Should I find it and add?

This is how the Czechs are doing it. I am not sure about Belgium/Brussells, but I assume it is the same.

8 tables and 25 figures. Everything seems to be in the proper order.

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@Nica PLease find these of remove the referneces. We will be uploading tomorrow (12/30)

@alberto You are the boss of this sub-project and it makes sense, as it is well advanced. @Richard tells me that we cannot re-upload, but let’s aim for uploading tomorrow, as early as possible (December 30). I see @SZdenek working on some fomratting and some loose ends. @Nica - we need these references on Durkheim or we can remove these three names - I do not think we them at this stage.