POPREBEL Ethnography Code Review Thread

@SZdenek is there a quick way to change double quotation marks to single quotation marks. If there is, can you please do this?

You want to do it the English or the US/European way?

English - as in the example I included.

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Hi everyone - I will fix the last bibliography issues. In addition to the three references the capitalization is not standardized so I was fixing that yesterday and it needs a bit more work today.

@alberto did you look at the executive summary?

I have deleted it. It was not necessary to have it there, I think.

How about double quotation marks around one word - either distancing or stressing it (e.g., label, or word searched in corpus). Also in single quotes?

@SZdenek that’s fine! Did you also fix the capitalization inconsistencies or should I do that?

I have not. I do not know the exact rules. In Czech, we have totally different system of capitalisation. I think you should ratehr do it.

@Jan Shouldn’t we put your PhD student that helped us with cleaning of the codebook (I totally forgot his name, but it was spanish or italian) somewhere in a footnote or as a contributor? I think he did quite some work on that.

Okay I think I fixed all the remaining issues – the capitalization issue wasn’t with English, it was with the citation format, where we picked the format where only the first words in titles are capitalized, as well as the words after a semicolon, but the citations were all over the place, with some complying with that, and the others having every word capitalized.

There are a few places in the bibliography where the spacing looks odd – large spaces between words, like Fagan & Guballa, for instance. Is that fixable?

Other than that
I think we are all done!

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It is because of the alignment to the block. I am surprised, but the following URL can be “broken” in two lines with adding a space. However, the hyperlink seems not to be broken and the URL works. 
 So it is done, I have added spaces. It looks better now.

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That’s a reasonable compromise, thank you sir.

Yes, It’s great. Super clear, and some of the results are impressive.

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Yay! Unless @Jan has something else to add, I think it can be uploaded any time.

I see that Wojciech is not listed as a contributor. I assume that’s an oversight that should be fixed, right?

Dear All,

I think that Wojciech and Sanots should be added. Thank you for pointing this out. WOuld have been a serious omission. I will do this now.

@Richard - after I am done, you can upload it to your computer, please, and do your final formatting and upload. Do you need any help with this?

Actually @SZdenek – there are a few more citations that have that weird spacing issue. Did you look through the bibliography or just fix that one? The ones I see with the issues are:

Göpffarth, J. (2018).
Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD). (2022).
KabrhelovĂĄ, L. (2022).
LĂĄzƈovský, M. (2022).
SƂomczyƄski, K., Janicka, K., and Tomescu-Dubrow, I. (2014)

could you please fix those too?

And are we done with acronyms? and key words? Any other ideas?

How about removing blocking (double adjustement) from the bibliography? That will solve the visual issue in many places. And it is a bit annoying, no?

Oh yeah – potential other keywords:

political ethnography (instead of just ethnography)
data visualization (instead of visualizations)
The Czech Republic (instead of Czechia?)

I also don’t think coding should be a keyword. Coding of some form or another is such a basic/standard part of any ethnographic project, I am not sure it’s warranted.

Just tell me when you’re done and I’ll do the final format check first thing tomorrow.

Look at the biblio now. I removed the justification (alligned on both sides).
How about SNA?