Presentation follow-up

No problem at all @Sophie_Beese .

I had a look at several options (Google sheets, Calendly and another app), and I figured this would take us more time than just doing it old style.

Therefore my proposal would be to do it as follows:

  • Once we see that somebody has filled in the survey, somebody contacts them by email to ask them to propose a reasonable amount of time slots, plus the place where they are located

  • That somebody copy/pastes that information into a document (internal link)

  • All Full Members check the document every 2 days, and volunteer if they see a newling with matching location and availability.

@reef-full, what do you think and is there a volunteer to contact the newlings for the one-on-ones?


Yes, could do it. Will be off in Lithuania (bringing my daughter for school holidays to LT & working from there from 26 April to 8 May). But could have an online call with a newling to start with.

Happy to do this :slight_smile:

Where do we see this?

@ChrisM I gave you access to the form. If you click on the “responses” tab, on the top right you’ll see “view in sheets”.

The login credentials for The Reef’s inbox are on Nextcloud > Team IT > Login credentials.

We currently have 2 responses. Does your schedule allow you to contact them shortly? (they are in a rush now)

I’ll contact them both now from the Reef email account…

Related question: at which part of the new process are they supposed to sign up for Edgeryders, Nextcloud, etc.? Can they request access as soon as they’ve filled in the survey, or do they do that after meeting a full member?

I would say after the one-on-one seems like the right moment.

We have a thread where they can say hello - Welcome to the new Reeflings! - and then we’ll create a Nextcloud account for them.

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Update on new exploratory members from the presentation:

So far there have been three responses, all of whom are on the ‘Setting up the one-on-ones’ document (internal link )

I am meeting with Ryan and Lea this Thursday.

@reef-full - Could someone please volunteer to meet with Adriana in Ixelles (near Chatelain Square) one afternoon or evening this week? There is a recent email in the Reef’s inbox to make contact with her.

Julien has just filled in the survey, and I am waiting to hear back from him about where he is in Brussels and his availability…


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I am leaving to Lithuania tomorrow, bringing my daughter to my parents for school holidays, but @manuelpueyo will be here and could do it.


i can take that

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@ChrisM, do we have a standard list of “key documents” that the newlings are expected to read before the one-on-one? And possibly a standard list of things we want to convey during the one-on-one?

Thanks @manuelpueyo! It would be good to contact Adriana as soon as possible, via the Reef email thread that I’ve been communicating with her. Ideally, you can meet her this week, before the plenary or social event that will happen next Tuesday…

Yes, they get sent a link to these in the follow up email immediately after the presentation, and a reminder to read them before the one-on-ones in the email after filling in the survey.

We don’t have anything like this as yet. It would be good to put this in writing at some point, but I won’t have time to do it before the first two meetings take place this week. As it is just @manuelpueyo and I for the moment, I suggest we familiarise ourselves before the meeting with the new recruitment and onboarding doc (Login – Nextcloud), the minimum commitments doc (Login – Nextcloud) and the confesseur process doc (Login – Nextcloud).


There is a third exploratory member (Julien) on the ‘Setting up the one-on-ones’ document (internal link ).

Julien (and his two young sons) lives in Jette, near to Wemmel. He has given his availability next week as Monday or Tuesday evening after 17h (although Tuesday is a plenary).

@reef-full - could someone volunteer to meet with him next week, either on one of those days or arranging a different time, by contacting him via the Reef email account?

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I spoke to a Julien at the presentation, he seems cool. Can’t do either day, but happy to contact him.

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Thanks Alberto!

@manuelpueyo and @alberto - if you are not meeting your exploratory members before next Tuesday, could you please invite them to the plenary meeting that day. It is the only one before they need to make a decision about becoming an associate member, so a good opportunity for them to meet the rest of the crew.

Either Ryan or Lea will be attending, who I met with yesterday, and I have invited Caroline and Patrick, who are the fourth people to fill in the survey post-presentation, and who Sarah is making contact with to meet.



Done. Will let you know what he says.

Julien will participate in the plenary (but I will not). Trying to find out where we are meeting, so I can schedule a one-on-one just before it (saves on his time and logistics).


I could also do a one one one with him on saturday if this helps you @alberto , i am planning to go to jette/wemmel where he lives.

With the new recruitment system that we’re trying, the deadline for current exploratory members to apply for associate membership is this Friday (the 12th). Could all the people who have been doing one-on-ones with them (who are technically their current buddies) reach out and make yourselves available to answer any questions they might have, about the project or the process of applying. The current buddies are:

Ryan and Lea (Chris)
Julien (@Alberto)
Adriana (@manuelpueyo)
Caroline and Patrick (@Sarah)

Two things to take note of:

Not many of the exploratory members have signed up for Edgeryders and/or Nextcloud, which means they can’t access everything, and they can’t be tagged with regard to what’s currently happening in terms of events, or anything else.

And according to the Onboarding Manual, they should be filling in three documents (Personal presentation fiche, Skills and experiences doc and Registry of Members) during the exploratory stage, but actually this can be done after requesting associate membership now. Having said that, those who are keen to take the next step by this Friday should fill in these docs as soon as possible, so that we can use them for finalising the teams set up by the next plenary.
