Proposal for updated questionnaire after the public presentation

Hi @reeflings,

Yesterday we voted ‘yes’ on JET-14 and one of the consequences is that our recruitment process needs a different approach. At the next plenary on Sunday we will come with a proposal.

In the meantime we will continue to organise public presentations to recruit new members, and the next presentation will take place on 6 June.
After each public presentation we send out a questionnaire/survey to the attendees so that we can get some basic information about them.
Chris and I (as members of @reef-recruitment) have made a proposal for a more extensive questionnaire, in order to have an initial idea of who we want to give priority to, if needed, based on, among other things, the size of the apartment and the diversity aspect.

This is the link to the survey that we suggest to send out after the presentation on 6 June: (Joining The Reef)

This is a work in progress so all feedback is welcome. You can share your feedback below.

Thanks a lot!


It should work now. Let me know.

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works now! thank you!

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Thanks a lot for that @mieke and @ChrisM

I have a couple of small remarks, but there’s a couple of things I need to prioritise. Is it ok if I come back to this a bit later?

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Do you want also feedback from exploring/associate members or “only” from full members?
Really not a problem if you prefer only feedback from full members, just to know if I take time for this or not :wink:

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Normally, this sort of job would fall within Team Recruitment and Onboarding’s autonomy, but my head was a bit “fuzzy” and full of other Reef-related developments when Mieke and I were discussing the other day about where to post the ongoing task, which is why it’s now an open discussion. So there’s no real need for you to take the time to engage with it, but now that it’s here, if you are feeling enthusiastic enough to do so and offer feedback, of course this perfectly acceptable… :slight_smile:


@reef-recruitment : here my feedback
feedback form.odt (36.3 KB)


Hello @reef-recruitment!

I would add to the feedback from Els:

  • “Please list all household member(s)’ full name and age *” → Not sure we really need the full name of each household members at this early step… The number of members and their age, I understand. But why the full name of the children for example?

  • “Do you require a parking space?” → Maybe we need to be more specific ? (I guess we are talking about parking for motorised vehicule and not bike). So “Do you require a parking space for motorised vehicule?”

Thanks again @mieke and @ChrisM for the proposal :slight_smile:


Thanks guys!

Just a little note about apartment sizes: we don’t really need to differentiate between 3bedrooms on the one hand, and more than 3 on the other, we just need to know if they are a 3+.