Protests in Armenia

Thanks for updating!

So, maybe you can give me some more insights.

Although I am not reporting on Armenia as journalist, as neighboring country I of course keep a close eye. Especially now since in Georgia they upped the price of electricity by 30%, but there seems hardly any protest. Now, people have told me it either will come end of the month when people will get their bills, or it will be reflected through elections, or people just understand that prices need to be upped due to devaluation.

But when I discussed the issue with my editor, he said something along the lines that the protests in Yerevan were hijacked by left wing - violent - radicals. And I did not really know what to reply, because I feel like it’s a great movement, but then again, I don’t know specifics. How inclusive is the movement?

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The thing is people didn’t receive the electricity bills here neither, though small and medium businesses did and it was 20% higher than usual.

I wonder what was your editor’s source of the info. I couldn’t stop laughing when I read the words left wing violent radicals because…left wing does not really exist in Armenia. Armenian National Congress can be considered the only real opposition to the current regime but even them position themselves as right wing/central and they are definitely not radical or violent.

I myself have mixed feelings towards this movement, as it started as a social one and denies it has anything to do with politics, but the ridiculous part is that all the issues they are protesting against are linked to the current regime, so without toppling it and securing fair elections not a single change is possible.

This morning around 5:20 AM the police dispersed the few protesters(around 50) that stayed on Baghramyan ave overnight but this time around they used other more gentle methods and the rumor is that is the result of the grants received from the west to improve the police dpt in Armenia. Check this video to view their “innovative” methods.

Baghramyan ave is open and functioning normally again. Will keep you posted.

Armenian Prime Minister ordered to discuss with Moscow the possibility for RF citizens to enter Armenia with their IDs instead of foreign passports. Except Belarus there is no other country where RF citizens can travel without obtaining the passport, so yeah, the end of independent Republic of Armenia is close as predicted by many…
